Welcome to oncoIMPACT. Thank you for taking some time to read through this wiki entry to know more about running oncoIMPACT.
OncoIMPACT is a first-in-class algorithmic framework that nominates patient-specific driver genes by integratively modeling genomic mutations (point, structural and copy-number) and the resulting perturbations in transcriptional programs via defined molecular networks.
OncoIMPACT is configured to run in two modes: (1) a database mode that allows it to determine the parameter settings from the datasets provided (2) a discovery mode where information in the provided database is used to predict driver genes for each sample, in an additional data set.
Download and uncompress the latest version
tar -zxvf oncoIMPACT.tgz
chmod +x oncoIMPACT_v0.9.4/*.pl
Before running the pipeline, please have the following files ready.
CNV_data: a tab-separated file with samples as columns and genes as rows. Each entry of this matrix must hold either a value of -1/0/1. A value of -1 would indicate a DELETION event while a value of 1 will indicate an AMPLIFICATION event, and a value of 0 if the is not affected by copy number gene.
SNP_data (point mutations and short indels): a tab-separated file with samples as columns and genes as rows. Each entry of this matrix must hold either the binary values of 0/1. A value of 1 would indicate the presence of a snp in the gene of that particular sample while a value of 0 would indicate otherwise.
EXP_data: a tab-separated file with samples as columns and genes as rows. Each entry of this matrix would represent the log2 fold-change of the gene expression of the tumor compared to a normal control.
Config file
You will need to create a config file for your project. The config file needs to contain the following parameters (you may refer to the sample config file provided with the test datasets under TEST_DATASET/sampleConfig.cfg).
outDir: Full path to destination folder
scriptDir: Full path to folder where oncoIMPACT is installed
numThreads: Number of threads to use
cnv: Full path to cnv data matrix
exp: Full path to expression data matrix
dataType: Flag for expression data type. Vvalid options: ARRAY (default), RNA_SEQ
snp: Full path to snp data matrix
dataBase: Full path to the pre-computed database (implies discovery mode only)
databaseExport: Full path where the database will be exported (implies database + discovery mode)
testMode: Boolean flag to toggle test mode (valid options: 0 / 1)
*at any one time, only one of either the options, <database> or <databaseexport>, may be chosen to run oncoIMPACT.</databaseexport></database>
When you are ready to run the OncoIMPACT pipeline, simply enter the following command
oncoIMPACT.pl path_to_config_file
We have provided test datasets to try OncoIMPACT on its 2 different modes.
Database and discovery mode:
sampleConfig_db_disc.cfg: config file
Glioblastoma.tgz: Glioblastoma (GBM) TCGA dataset (this dataset should be uncompressed)
Discovery mode:
sampleConfig_disc.cfg: config file
single_patient.tgz: data of a single GBM patient (this dataset should be uncompressed)
Glioblastoma_database.tgz: pre-computed database of the TCGA GBM dataset
NEW: Enable error checks
NEW: Enable the processing of RNA-seq data
NEW: Enable the construction of databases
NEW: Enable the discovery mode using a pre-computed database
NEW: Option in configuration file to run OncoIMPACT in test mode which performs the simulation with fewer iterations and fixed seed. In this mode, OncoIMPACT should complete in less than 2 hours using a single thread.
NEW: Sanity checks to ensure validity of parameters provided by user
FIX: Improved disk space utilization
FIX: Improved compatibility with Mac OS.
oncoIMPACT will now avoid reproducing the input files if COMPLETE_SAMPLES folder exists
fix for bugs introduced in last version
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Genome Institute of Singapore
If you want community-driven support, please visit the forum at https://sourceforge.net/p/oncoimpact/discussion/.
If you have a bug to report, you may raise a ticket at https://sourceforge.net/p/oncoimpact/tickets/.
If you have other questions or feedback, you may direct them to Jayce (kohjy@gis.a-star.edu.sg) and Denis (bertrandd@gis.a-star.edu.sg).