
Onaima / News: Recent posts

Current activities

After weeks of ISP and development machine troubles, most have been straightened out. We are now on track for putting together the long term strategy for the tool or tools under this project.
One early decision made is to direct the implementation toward XTM topic map technology. For performance considerations it is undecided whether XSLT will play a significant role on the server side. It is as yet unclear whether Mozilla will be up to snuff in a timeframe to take advantage of SVG or XSLT on the client side. However, maintaining a semblance of cross-browser usability is a priority.
This week is on more or less haitus for development activity (assembling backgrounder information in the form of a Topic Maps presentation to the TriXML users group).

Posted by Mitch C. Amiano 2002-04-08

Starting Up

FHIMC, this project *does* have files to distribute, but we are just getting familiar with the site admin aspects. No CVS tree yet either.

The software is derived directly from a Perl version of the Dolphin Wiki clone. As such, it is subject to the GPL, is implemented by and large in Perl 5, and follows much the same file structure.

Some functions have been rewritten, new features are added as time permits (if I get inspired), and a few of the previous features were removed (or broken). No serious attempt has been made to remain compatible, though some ideas have been shamelessly lifted from Meatball and C2, and no doubt unconsciously from elsewhere. ... read more

Posted by Mitch C. Amiano 2002-02-14