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Third beta version 0.5 released

so, i reconsidered my choose not to implement a built-in video player. with the help of an installed quicktime player, you can play movie files right from omov.
a lot of bugfixes (webfetching often crashed), gui enhancements (everything is now even more apple style like :) and added some minor features (rescan of movie folder).
also the internals/the source code was heavily refactored. the architecture changed from a monolith to a well structured module-based one. the modules: omovSuper, omovCore, omovQtjApi, omovQtjImpl, omovWebApi, omovWebImpl and omovApp.... read more

Posted by Christoph Pickl 2008-05-19

Second beta version 0.4 released

Roadmap is fixed; about 20 items have to be completed to get a first release candidate.
Although it was not planned so, but there will be a built-in possibility to play videos -via quicktime's java api. so, quicktime is necessary to access this feature.
also fixed some major gui bugs with apple's osx 10.5

Posted by Christoph Pickl 2008-04-21

First beta version 0.3 released

Not far away from finishing each and every feature. Some minor gui bugs (look&feel) are still existing, but the application itself should be stable.

Posted by Christoph Pickl 2008-04-05

Second alpha version 0.2 released

Nearly every feature is implemented but has not been tested very well, so there could be still some major bugs existing.
These new features are: SmartCopy, backup creation, help (not yet finished), enhanced HTML report and native executables for windows and macosx.

Posted by Christoph Pickl 2008-03-27

First alpha version 0.1 released

This is a first experimental release. It should NOT be used for any other purpose than testing and reporting bugs.

Posted by Christoph Pickl 2008-03-21