
#1108 Edit glossary entry in OmegaT


It would be great to be able to edit glossary entries using a dialog similar to "Create glossary entry". A right click menu item on a glossary entry in the glossary pane or in the source text field seems to be a logical place for calling such function. If the entry comes from a non-default glossary, a new edited entry should be added to the project's writable glossary instead of the one where it originated from.


See also


Feature Requests: #340


  • Dmitriy

    Dmitriy - 2015-07-04

    I would rather opt for a separate glossary editor with a capability to create, modify, and delete glossary entries. Such editor might be started from a menu (e.g. tools). Even the simplest functionality would do.

  • eraser

    eraser - 2015-09-10

    I would really also appreciate such a functionality. One can edit the glossary by opening it with Notepad++ etc., but for a "normal" translator that's too complicated. Editing functionality within OmegaT would be a much better solution.

  • Marco Cevoli

    Marco Cevoli - 2016-11-23

    I'd prefer the same dialog that we have for creating the term (because the user is already familiar with it), that should be opened by right clicking a term from the Glossary term. That would be quite practical, for instance when you spot a typo in the glossary. I agree that opening the file with an external editor is an extra step not everyone is willing or able to make.


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