Ron Smits - 2013-01-06

Getting started


I released 0.1.0 and placed it in a repository here on sourceforge. Add this repo to your pom:

  <id>omdbapi4j repo</id>

and the dependency:



Pretty simple really, add the jar to your project then call it as follows:

List<SearchResult> results = new Omdb().search("Star wars");

The list will contain at most 5 results containing "Star wars" in the title.
SearchResult contains only a small subset of a complete answer. With it you can receive a full answer like this:

Movie movie = new Omdb.getById(searchresult.getImdbID());

You can search for a single movie like this:

Movie movie = new Omdb.getOneMovie("the brotherhood");

Searches can be narrowed down to a year:

List<SearchResult> results = new Omdb().year(1977).search("Star wars");

Check the junit tests!


Last edit: Ron Smits 2013-01-08