
Old School Tool / Blog: Recent posts

Additions after first alpha run...

Things I am going to add after trying the tool out during my game session.

Add "note" field or "Tag" field to each creature. I have multiple sets of d6 dice and I use them as "tokens" on the battle map when we have large battles. I will set out the dice face up with a specific number (1-6) so the player can say "I am attack blue 6" and w/o getting up I know which one they are talking about. It would have been nice to add a "tag" or "note" to the creature in the encounter list that would associate it with the dice so I could just add "green 3" or "blue 2".... read more

Posted by Celestian 2012-03-19

And so I begin...

I've always had issues with running what I would call "smooth" combat. Specially when playing editions that do a lotta chart referencing. I really ran into this problem back when Hackmaster came out and I GM'd it. I've been in the system admin field for a long time now, do a lotta perl, php and C doing it. So I figured I'd just teach myself java and write a tool to make running combat easier... so instead of spending so much time looking up tables I can spend more time thinking up fancy ways to describe how my troll just chewed someone's leg off.... read more

Posted by Celestian 2012-03-17 Labels: ost AD&D dm gm dungeons and dragons dnd