
Open HLA / News: Recent posts

OHLA 0.6.0 Released

Lots of updates and bug fixes in this release.
- Completed Time Management implementation
- Completed Save/Restore implementation
- Updated 3rd party libraries
- Added example Circles JavaFX application that has HLA 1.3, IEEE 1516, and IEEE 1516e federates


Posted by Michael Newcomb 2013-12-21

OHLA 0.5.0 Released

Lots of updates in this release.

- Added IEEE 1516 Evolved API support. HLA 1.3, IEEE 1516, and IEEE 1516 Evolved are all interoperable with each other.
- Migrated to Netty from MINA.
- Implemented custom encoding for performance increases.
- Implemented Data Distribution Management.
- Completed Ownership Management
- Added Internationalization support

I have yet to thoroughly test Time Management, but I will be working on that for a 0.5.1 release.... read more

Posted by Michael Newcomb 2011-03-22

OHLA 0.4.0 Released

Release includes Time Management.

0.5 will have Data Distribution Management.


Posted by Michael Newcomb 2007-02-22

OHLA source finally in SVN!

Yes, after much SVN research, I finally committed the source to SVN!

Thanks for your patience,

Posted by Michael Newcomb 2006-11-09

OHLA 0.3 Released

OHLA 0.3 has been released.

This is a major refactoring of the project with a focus on moving the infrastructure to MINA.

Ownership Management support has also been added. There are still a few peices to implement, for instance, when ownership is divested the RTI does not ask federates to assume ownership, they will remain unowned until a federate requests ownership. This will be added in 0.3.1.

Thank you for your patience and hopefully future releases will be soon to follow.... read more

Posted by Michael Newcomb 2006-11-08

OHLA Roadmap

Below is the roadmap for OHLA releases. Hopefully one will come every 3-4 weeks or so.

- re-architect to use Apache MINA
- ownerhsip management

- time management


- MOM support

- C++ API

- optimize message encoding/decoding

- maintenance

- final

Posted by Michael Newcomb 2006-10-30

OHLA 0.2.3 Released

Another bug fix release.

Posted by Michael Newcomb 2006-10-06

OHLA 0.2 Preview Released

This release includes initial support for HLA 1.3. HLA 1.3 clients and IEEE 1516 clients can be members of the same federation.

Testsuite has moved away from JUnit into TestNG.

Some refactoring was done to enable 1.3 support.

Posted by Michael Newcomb 2006-04-18

OHLA 0.1.3 Preview Released!

0.1.3 Preview has been released.

This release contains some bug fixes dealing with reserving object names.

Please download and evaluate/test the distribution. Check the release notes as to how to run the test.

The preview release is missing:
1. Region support (almost complete)
2. DDM
3. time management (skeleton is there)


Posted by Michael Newcomb 2006-04-04

Mailing lists added!

I'm sorry I never enabled this feature. It is now enabled.

3 lists available:


Posted by Michael Newcomb 2006-03-14

OHLA 0.1.2 Preview Released!

0.1.2 Preview has been released.

This release contains a bug fix which fixes a destroy federation problem.

Please download and evaluate/test the distribution. Check the release notes as to how to run the test.

The preview release is missing:
1. Region support (almost complete)
2. DDM
3. time management (skeleton is there)


Posted by Michael Newcomb 2006-02-06

OHLA 0.1.1 Preview Released!

0.1.1 Preview has been released.

This release contains a bug fix which allows all federates to see object updates and interactions correctly.

Please download and evaluate/test the distribution. Check the release notes as to how to run the test.

The preview release is missing:
1. Region support (almost complete)
2. DDM
3. time management (skeleton is there)


Posted by Michael Newcomb 2006-02-03

OHLA 0.1 Preview Released!

0.1 Preview has been released. Please download and evaluate/test the distribution. Check the release notes as to how to run the test.

The preview release is missing:
1. Region support (almost complete)
2. DDM
3. time management (skeleton is there)


Posted by Michael Newcomb 2005-10-18