Hi! Seems to I found a bug.
In class RTIChannelPipelineFactory in method getPipeline():
pipeline.addLast(MessageEncoder.NAME, new MessageEncoder());
pipeline.addLast(MessageDecoder.NAME, new MessageDecoder());
pipeline.addLast(RTIChannelUpstreamHandler.NAME, rtiChannelUpstreamHandler);
and logicalTimeFactory in MessageDecoder is uninitialized (null)
Upon receipt of time-related messages, it cause NullPointerException
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Hello! I try to enable TimeRegulating
No exception. No callback.
Last message on server side:
Looks like try rise a exception. What is wrong i am doing.
Awaiting callback:
Hi! Seems to I found a bug.
In class RTIChannelPipelineFactory in method getPipeline():
and logicalTimeFactory in MessageDecoder is uninitialized (null)
Upon receipt of time-related messages, it cause NullPointerException
The LogicalTimeFactory is set when a federate joins a FederationExecution.
Are you using the 0.5 release or what is in trunk in svn?
What version of the JDK are you using?
Sorry, I had the old version.
No problems.
I don't think time worked at all for <0.5 and I'm pretty sure that 0.5 time implementation is still broken.
The current trunk version (0.6) should have time working. Save/Restore is also in a state of flux. I am working on that as I get time to.