
Ohioedge CRM + BPM Server / News: Recent posts

1.6.0 Release Candidate 1 (JSR 268) Released!

The latest release of Ohioedge CRM - 1.6.0 Release Candidate 1.0.0 - is JSR 268 compliant! It is packaged for JBoss 4.2.3 and JDK 1.6.

Posted by Sandeep Dixit 2010-04-12

Ohioedge CRM+BPM Documentation

Ohioedge CRM+BPM documentation is now available for free download at

Posted by Sandeep Dixit 2007-03-04

Ohioedge CRM+BPM Server 9.0.5 Final Release Annoucement

Ohioedge CRM+BPM Server final release 9.0.5 is out after tons of improvements. Below are the key highlights of this release:
- Security enhancements to support query-level as well as instance-level security
- Custom attributes enhancements to enable any type of data collection during activities. For example, upload/attach documents
- Document component enhancements to support additional types of documents
- Activity UI improvements: Calendar, etc.
- Technology stack upgraded to use JDK 1.5 (generics) and J2EE 1.4 (JBoss 4.0.5)

Posted by Sandeep Dixit 2007-02-08

Ohioedge demo is back online!

Ohioedge demo is back online at

Sandeep Dixit
Chief Software Architect

Posted by Sandeep Dixit 2006-08-05

Sun certifies Ohioedge CRM Server as J2EE-Verified

Cleveland, OH -- May 20, 2003 -- Ohioedge, the provider of #1 open source Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Server software announced today that it's CRM and J2eeBuilder products have undergone and passed all the quality and performance tests monitored by Sun Microsystems and has received J2EE-Verified certification from Sun Microsystems, Inc. Ohioedge is one of the five companies to receive such certification from Sun Microsystems. Currently surpassing 12,000 downloads demonstrates a quick and widespread adoption of Ohioedge CRM server and J2eeBuilder technology. ... read more

Posted by Sandeep Dixit 2003-05-21

Ohioedge CRM Entity Relationship Diagrams...

Ohioedge CRM Administrator's Guide Draft 3 is released. It includes entity relationship diagrams of the Ohioedge Workflow and Ohioedge J2eeCustomer components.

OhioedgeCRM Administrator's Guide also includes explanation of individual components, component relationships. and the setup process.

Posted by Sandeep Dixit 2003-01-16

OhioedgeCRM User's Guide Draft 1 released

OhioedgeCRM User's Guide - Draft 1, is now available at - -> Docs Manager. The user's guide provides an overview of functionality essential to the end users and includes four business cases explaining how typical users would use OhioedgeCRM.

Posted by Sandeep Dixit 2002-12-31