
std package

n9ine code
  • n9ine code

    n9ine code - 2008-12-12

    I tried to use some methods that uses the std package e.g intersects returns  an std::pair / submesh.getextremityPoints takes an Ivector<IVector3>
    Itried to implements these interfaces but the problem is getting informations form these objects when filled in native ,
    so is there any way to do that without implementing jni

    • Christoph Nenning

      The main purpose of the std package is to make all the C++ typedefs that OGRE uses working.

      e.g. Ogre AnimationTrack has a KeyFrameList which is in fact a std::vector with KeyFrame as type parameter.

      submesh.getextremityPoints is a getter for a C++ public attribute. The passed Ivector will be filled in by native code. You have to pass it to make clear that you must delete it (C++ return by value).

      Here is no typedef used, so it is not intended to be used in Java. It is just there to avoid compiler errors in our generated code.

      If you find another typedef for std::vector< Ogre::Vector3 > you may use that type for SubMesh::extremityPoints. That is not beautiful but it may work.

    • n9ine code

      n9ine code - 2008-12-16

      thanks for the advice i've found a vertexList class that implements Ivector<Vector3> so i superclass it  and it did work

      • Christoph Nenning

        glad to hear that :)


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