
#97 Done entries of batch window are reexecuted on next execute



Thanks again for this great tool.

While using it, I stumbled on an error error:

- I selected the first chapter of the main title of a DVD and enqueued it into the batch window to be copied into a mkv file.

- Then I selected the second chapter and also enqueued it to be copied into a mkv file.

- I clicked on execute in the batch window to have the two entries executed.

- Afterwards, I selected the third chapter of the main title of the dvd and enqueued it into the batch window. This new entry appeared after the other two in the batch window. The other two entries had a stroke across their names; I suppose that the stroke indicates that they have already been executed.

- When clicking a second time on execute in the batch window, it asks whether to overwrite the files created by the first run. In other words, it executes also the entries that have already been executed.

Expected behaviour: it should execute only the new entries; not the entries that have already been executed.



PS: I going to create a feature request about adding a "Remove selected entries" button and a "Clear batch window" button to the batch window.


  • Olivier Rolland

    Olivier Rolland - 2010-12-15


    If I try to enqueue two different chapters of the same movie without changing the title, I'm warned that "This encoding will have the same output file name as another one" and asked "Do you want to enqueue it anyway ?" (if you don't change the title, the name of the rip will be the same regardless of the selected chapters). Did you see such messages ?



  • Ludi

    Ludi - 2010-12-15


    It also asks me whether I want to enqueue it anyway if the same out put file name is already in the queue; but that was not the point. I will try to explain the problem again as I might not have been completely clear in my first post:

    First, I enqueue two chapters (of course with two different names) into the queue window and click on execute. The two files get created as expected. Afterwards, without clearing the already done entries from the queue window, I add a third chapter (of course with a third name that is different from the others) to the queue window and click again on execute. I expected now that it would only create the file corresponding to the third entry in the queue because the two first had already been executed and are displayed with a stroke in their name. But no, it wants to also create again the files corresponding to the first and second entry.

    A work around to the problem is to delete the entries that have been done by using the "remove" item of the contextual menu in the queue window; but I suppose that recreating the files that have already been done is not the intended behaviour. Cheers,



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