

Georg Ottinger

!!!! Only adventures persons should update to BETA 1 !!!!

If you are using OggStreamer productively think twice before installing the Update

Update your OggStreamer to BETA 1

Beta 1 Introduces:

  • WebGUI for Configuration
  • autoreconnect for IceCast2
  • Integration in the OggStreamer SDK
  • Title, Description and Genre Options for IceCast2
  • stm8flash (update the STM8 Firmware directly)
  • In Setup-Mode Password is now defaulted to "PASS"
  • optional Two Stage Mode (STOP/STREAM) instead of (STOP/MONITOR/STREAM)

Note: stm8flash works from ssh but the autoupdate function for stm8 is disabled due to stability issues.

To update follow the Instructions:

!!!!! You need Linux for this Update Procedure !!!!!
The Reason for this is that File Permissions need to be preserved

1.) Download the BETA 1 Firmware

Download from

2.) Delete existing Firmware

ssh to the OggStreamer

ssh root@
rm -Rf /mnt/flash/*

3.) Extract the Update on the Host

bzip2 -d -c beta_01.tar.bz2 | tar x

4.) Copy Files from Host to OggStreamer

scp -rp beta_01/* root@

options -rp is for recursive operation and preserve permissions

5.) Manually update the STM8 Firmware

Before installing the STM8 Firmware you have to close the OggStreamer application

ssh root@
killall oggs_app
cd /mnt/flash/root/bin
./stm8flash -s -w /mnt/flash/firmware/stm8_oggstreamer_patched.bin /dev/ttyS0

This process might take about a minute.

Good Luck!!!