Markus Bedel - 2003-11-11


I found something else which is confusing:
when parsing the XML org.nfis.wmt.xml.Capability creates a Layerlist from the rootLayers.
As defined in the specifications 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1 and the corresponding dtd's (as well in xsd in 1.2.0) there can only be one single rootlayer:
<!ELEMENT Capability
          (Request, Exception, VendorSpecificCapabilities?,
       UserDefinedSymbolization?, Layer?) >
--> A Layer as child to Capability can only occur 0 or 1 time. The sublayers can be nested as desired.

in the XSD in 1.2.0 it look like this:
- <element name="Capability">
- <annotation>
  <documentation>A Capability lists available request types, how exceptions may be reported, and whether any vendor-specific capabilities are defined. It also includes an optional list of map layers available from this server.</documentation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
  <element ref="wms:Request" />
  <element ref="wms:Exception" />
  <element ref="wms:VendorSpecificCapabilities" minOccurs="0" />
  <element ref="wms:Layer" minOccurs="0" />

also the element can occur 0 but not more than 1 time.

regards, markus