
#38 Allow normal user to mod questions

moderator (6)

Normal users should be able to mod questions, but their
modding should have less impact than a moderator and it
should be able to be disabled if necessary


  • Richard Harman

    Richard Harman - 2004-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    I was trying to think of a way to ensure that people could
    moderate + or - a question in a public forum, and this was
    what I came up with --

    Users still /msg the bot questions, but in a separate public
    forum, every 10 seconds or so, the bot presents a question
    to the channel for moderation. In those 10 seconds, people
    can pubmsg @vote yay or @vote nay the question. After the
    10 seconds are up, the bot presents the next question in the
    queue from questions it received via /msg. Those questions
    after moderation then go to the "super" moderator queue,
    which are then pushed to the speaker's queue, possibly with
    the score attached to it so that the speaker knows what
    questions were voted very high.

  • Stuart Walsh

    Stuart Walsh - 2004-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    might be easier to let them have a web interface, where they
    can mod a question.. if they really want to.. restrict to one
    per user or something

  • Richard Harman

    Richard Harman - 2004-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    tied into the irc services? .... require people to
    log in and have a registered nick? that would make sure
    people could vote only once.


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