

  • fkb_dave

    fkb_dave - 2006-07-30

    Brad would you like me to post my documentation under documentation?

    • Brad Schwie

      Brad Schwie - 2006-07-30

      I'd like to check your work out and possibly make some additions to it.  So, to answer your question, yes, I'd sure like to get your documentation posted under documentation.

    • fkb_dave

      fkb_dave - 2006-07-31

      I sent a sourceforge message.  email me with a address I can send the doc to and let me know what you think.

    • fkb_dave

      fkb_dave - 2006-08-02

      I couldn't send.  Can I post it in Docs, then you can get it and remove it from docs untill it's reviewed.

      • Brad Schwie

        Brad Schwie - 2006-08-02

        Yeah, go ahead and post it to the Docs if you can't send it.  We can check it out there...

    • fkb_dave

      fkb_dave - 2006-08-03

      I converted it to HTML and posted it under unclassified - nothing shows up, may be normal - don't know.  I tried oh well

      • Brad Schwie

        Brad Schwie - 2006-08-03

        Yeah, I clicked the "Docs" link and I didn't see your stuff there either.  Nothing's there in fact...  Why don't you just email it to me (you should have my address now: s c h w i e at y a h o o).  I still have access to the website with the demo page and such.  I can try posting your documentation there.

    • fkb_dave

      fkb_dave - 2006-08-11

      I couldn't respond to your email due to the signature issue.  I do update the web site every time I change the doc and I did make a change last night so the web is probably more up-to-date.  If you have any additions or comments please feel free to email me.  Good luck on your porjcet changed.


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