
New schedule

  • fkb_dave

    fkb_dave - 2006-04-06

    The new schedule is on but I can't import it.  I changed the season_start to the start of 2006, what else is there?

    • Billy

      Billy - 2006-06-12


      I have made modification to the games.php file to make 2006 work. The problem is short were some minor changes in the schedule format that broke some of the array creation in games.php.

      Do the following to fix games.php:

      Start with the if statment to determine step 1 or 2, under the "else" where $schedulearray is set to file:http:/

      CHANGE 1:
      $days = explode ("<td align=left><b>", $week);


      $days = explode ("<font class=bg1font><b>", $week);

      CHANGE 2:
      $game_date_array = explode("</b></td>", $day);


      $game_date_array = explode("</b></font>", $day);

      CHANGE 3:
      @list($vTeam, $rest) = explode(" at ", $thisgamedata[1], 2) ;


      @list($vteam, $rest) = explode(" at ", $thisgamedata[0], 2) ;

      This will fix your problem, let me know if you still have issues.


      • Brad Schwie

        Brad Schwie - 2006-06-15


        I tried using your code and it downloaded the game data as you said it would.  Thanks for your contribution.

        Maybe this is just my configuration, but I noticed that all the game times were set to 12:00 AM (they displayed as 11:00 PM on my OFFL website).  It appears the game times are not getting imported correctly.  Have you seen this issue?


        • Brad Schwie

          Brad Schwie - 2006-07-04

          Thanks to Joe Snyder for this fix...

          To get the game times to import correctly, you also need to edit the line in games.php from:

          @list ($time, $rest) = explode("<", $thisgamedata[0], 2);


          @list ($time, $rest) = explode("<", $thisgamedata[1], 2);

          I've added all the changes in this post to the games.php file in the main branch for this project, but I can't release a patch file with the next version of OFFL until I get permission from Stephen.  Has anyone heard from him?

    • JAV

      JAV - 2006-07-04

      Where is this Variable located  season_start?  I went to my admin and I have  Misc_Season_Start_2004   and Misc_Season_Start_2005

      When I made the changes to the games.php I get could'nt look up teams  continously.

      Thank you for you help.


      • Brad Schwie

        Brad Schwie - 2006-07-04

        I made a database patch file here (right click on "Download", put it in your upgrades folder, and run the script):


        Let me know if this works.  I haven't run the script myself, as I made the changes manually, but this should do the trick.



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