
A few quick (I hope questions)

  • jdbausch

    jdbausch - 2005-07-26

    I've got the software all setup (with phorum running) a couple of question

    1st - In my setup there doesn't appear to be any correlation between the users in OFFL and phorum - so users need to be setup in both places - I should add that I setup all users in OFFL before I installed phorum - so new users may get automatically setup in both?  just asking if anyone has clarification

    2nd - can the schedule be tweaked mid-season without disasterous results?  if so can this be done using the in-web editing function? - my league has a mid-season tournament style bracket, and a kooky tourney at the end.

    3rd - we have a "coach" position, who gets 3 points if his team wins - does anyone have any code to make this an option?  thanks

    and thanks to all for the help, and the writers/contributers for a cool app!!!

    • Brad Schwie

      Brad Schwie - 2005-07-26


      1.  So far, Phorum and OFFL are separate entities and there is no shared user login/system, which is unfortunate.  I would love to tie the two together, but I haven't had time to tweak the code.

      2.  Yeah, you can tweak your schedule midseason, as long as the scheduled games you want to tweak haven't been played yet.

      3.  Sorry, I haven't seen code for a coach feature, but I believe this is entirely possible with the current OFFL architecture.


      • AlisTeR FiEnD

        AlisTeR FiEnD - 2006-06-18

        I have integrated the forum user account creation into OFFL by creating a registration page. When the user registers thier login information is added to the "users" table for the football pool. Then just after adding the user to that table I run another query and insert the users information into the "phorum_users" table using the data collected in the registration page.

        • Brad Schwie

          Brad Schwie - 2006-06-18

          If you wish to share your code with the OFFL community, I'll add your changes to the main branch for release in the next version.

          One question though...  Does your modified code check for an installed version of phorum before running the query?  I guess it doesn't matter, as long as each new user isn't presented with error messages.

    • jdbausch

      jdbausch - 2005-07-26

      thanks for the info!


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