
Odysseus Blog / News: Recent posts

2.0.0-Alpha2 Released!!!

Well, that was fast. Alpha2 doesn't have that much more added, but I felt it was worth releasing. The biggest addon was messages.php and the use of private messages. These are a WONDERFUL thing and a HUGE hit on my test site... The hour, more than 70 private messages were sent by people (not me). No update script in this one... sorry... But its not hard to add a messages directory and a messages.txt in the user folder. :) Feedback++

Posted by Jaywalker 2007-03-01

2.0.0-Alpha1 Released!!

Well, due to the lack of working ability of 1.0.0... I decided to release a working-but-not-where-I-want-it Alpha version. This will work just fine for all of your sites and in the future you'll only have to download one script to update the blog to the latest version :)

Feedback is nice... and there is a lot left to do!! ^_^

Posted by Jaywalker 2007-02-22

1.2.0 renamed to 2.0.0

Due to lack of backwards compatibility in the next release, the file must be renamed to 2.0.0. I started out with every intension to make it backwards compatible... however, the entire system has nearly been rewritten, so.... yeah. Templates are going to be very nice. Translations in German and Spanish should follow shortly.

Posted by Jaywalker 2006-11-24

1.2.0 Release SOON.. Please Wait!!!

As you know, 1.0.0 is very buggy... I wasn't prepared to release it at all, but I allowed myself to get rushed and released it. 1.2.0 will be out hopefully within the week and will have nearly all the features including template files!! PLEASE DO NOT DOWNLOAD 1.0.0!!! IT SUCKS! Be patient :)


Posted by Jaywalker 2006-11-23

SVN up :)

I just got Subversion setup, so now we should have current updates working all the time. The current trunk is very unstable... But it have alot of XSS patches put in, along with some other stuff. The TODO file will keep you updated on things to come. Comments welcome :)

Posted by Jaywalker 2006-11-21


Ok, I know I know... That last one SUCKED... people were rushing me to release it. This release will be much cleaner, support newer stuff (including .tpl templates that can be created only by the admin or uploaded by the user) :) Email me any ideas you have for it.

Posted by Jaywalker 2006-11-17

Odysseus Blog 1.0 Released

The long awaited release of OdysseusBlog has finally come!! Be sure to leave me comments on what you think! Thanks, Jaywalker

Posted by Jaywalker 2006-07-09

Odysseus Blog in Development

I haven't quite got around to upload the BETA version of Odysseus Blog just because it was originally designed for a specific website, but I decided to make it Open Souce, so I've got to make it pseudo-site. If you think you can pick through the code and make it work for your site, email me and at and I'll hook you up with a copy.

Posted by Jaywalker 2006-05-21