
Object Oriented Database Kit / News: Recent posts

ODKit 0.1.1 Fix

This release fixes the compilation script for odkgui which stops the library creation.

Released Binaries are however unaffected.

All in all is the same as 0.1 release exept that this fix does compile.

Posted by Carlos Daniel Ruvalcaba Vlz. 2004-03-28

ODKit v0.1 Released

ODK stands for Objective-C Development Kit, it is library with a collection of objects to create database oriented applications. Current release supports PostgreSQL and MySQL backends, GUI creation is handled with Gtk+ and Glade.

Features Include:
* Multiple database backends support in a transparent fashion for the developer.
* Uniform data access in all backends.
* Object Oriented.
* Objective-C Based.
* Gui creation classes based on Gtk2
* Loading interfaces from Glade2 generated xml files.
* Support for PostgreSQL and MySQL.
* No need for extra libraries like libFundation or anything related to GNUStep, just plain objc runtime.... read more

Posted by Carlos Daniel Ruvalcaba Vlz. 2004-03-27

Last Snapshot

This is the last snapshot of ODK before the final 0.1 release, current changes include:

* Proper support for PostgreSQL backend (i did a lot of debuging to get it working right and clean)
* Glade interface generated loading support with the class odkGuiLoader, which is a libglade wrapper.
* bug fixes.
* Very simple compile scripts.

But beware, is not the release code, it is still full for printf's for debuging... this will be cleaned on the release.

Posted by Carlos Daniel Ruvalcaba Vlz. 2004-03-26

Project Up

Objective-C Development Kit is up and running on sourceforge, the current sources of ODK-GUI have been exported to CVS, as will the ODK-DA sources.

Note: The CVS sources are the development branch, may have the latest features (wich may be unestable) that are not included on releases or snapshots.

Posted by Carlos Daniel Ruvalcaba Vlz. 2004-03-24