
ODK-NG v0.3 Released

The new version of the Object Oriented Database Kit NG is out code named Magician. From the ChangeLog:

* Finished C# wrapper, now it works and compiles appropriately

on Linux (Mono) and Windows (.Net).

* Implemented Connector Object on C#, the Connector is a

bridge between ODKDA and ODKTK data wise.

* Finished basic C++ bindings.

* Modified the installation layout, C++ headers will go under


This means we have 2 more languages to work on, C# and C++, altough there is a problem compiling C++ bindings with MSVC, i hope to get this fixed for next release.

Happy hacking and coding on the new languages :)

Posted by Carlos Daniel Ruvalcaba Vlz. 2005-04-23

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