On the Wicket vs Vaadin issue

Why we prefer Wicket over Vaadin

  1. Separation of markup information (expressed by pure HTML/CSS) and java code. There's no need for any WYSIWYG editors, for the markup of the whole application is fully described in the means of simple HTML pages. The appearance of the application is purely configured via CSS code. It is easy to design and easy to maintain and modify. Besides, this approach prevents developers from creating spaghetti template code.
  2. Other related projects (e.g. the Strigil Scraper project) are being build on top of Wicket as well.
  3. tight schedule, expertise in Wicket already gained

Why is Wicket good enough?

  1. The framework offers all the components we'll need to build our application (e.g. pages, links, forms, tabs, grids). Plenty of other components, which we probably won't need (such as wizards and captchas), are available as well. Moreover, creating robust reusable custom components is really straightforward.
  2. The framework has been successfuly used by a plenty of existing web applications. Both Wicket and Vaadin list about a hundred references on their websites.

Last edit: Tomas Knap 2012-05-08