
odbtp vs odbtp_mssql

JD Smith
  • JD Smith

    JD Smith - 2008-09-11

    Are there any draw backs to use odbtp instead of the mssql version when connection to mssql?  The only reason I ask is I was only able to get the NTS version of the standard odbtp but was informed it seems to be working fine for the supplier when used with MSSQL 2005.

    • Robert Twitty

      Robert Twitty - 2008-09-15

      There are no drawbacks. The only difference is that the odbtp_mssql version includes aliases for the functions defined by the PHP standard mssql extension. It allows you to use ODBTP with existing PHP code that uses the mssql ext without changin it.

    • JD Smith

      JD Smith - 2008-09-16

      Thanks Robert. :)


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