CyberDems - 2017-05-18

Firstly, thanks for this life saving software!

Development seems to have nearly halted though, which is a concern given the lack of support for php7 now

So I had to create a php wrapper script which depends on odbtpcli to fetch required data, as I can't get the php extension compiled for php7. Conversion guide is at , but I tried to port this and failed due to all the zend changes which are far beyond the scope of my primitive coding abilities (I know nothing about classes and libraries ...)

My wrapper script "barely" works and I don't really trust it for production use. So I'm just wondering what the plans are to port ODBTP's php extension to php7?

Perhaps it's due to a lack of PHP7 support that ADODB are now listing this as obsolete and say that they won't be including it in ADODB v6? Come guys, let's change that!? This is extremely useful software which must benefit from continued development / stay current.

Perhaps an official github page is now in order ...??


Last edit: CyberDems 2017-05-18