
[ODBTPERR][0]Unable to read from server (Erro

  • Bandorka

    Bandorka - 2010-01-24


    I have a big problem. The odbtp was working fine for 2 years now but today suddenly after a freeze of the server it stopped working.
    It is a Win 2003 server and Mssql 2005.

    Unable to read from server (Error 0)

    Nothing has changed and I tried login with mssql_connect without odbtp and it works. What yould have happened????

    Thank you,


  • Robert Twitty

    Robert Twitty - 2010-01-25

    If the ODBTP service is not crashing (you wuld see entries in a file called exception.log), then the ODBTP service could be closing the connection because the client took too long to make another request. If the script is taking too long between reads, then you may need to increase the ReadTimeout in the odbtpsrv.ini file.

    • bob
  • Bandorka

    Bandorka - 2010-01-25

    It is really interesting that when I turn off logodbc in the ini file the site starts working but with errors like http 500 on certain calls.
    What could have gone wrong?

  • Bandorka

    Bandorka - 2010-01-25

    "PHP has encountered an Access Violation at " errors are appearing but totally randomly

  • Robert Twitty

    Robert Twitty - 2010-01-26

    How big is your odbtpsrv.log file after 2 years?   Are you running PHP / ODBTP client on a 64-bit  system?  Is the odbtp extension installed in PHP as a static or shared module? 

    • bob
  • Bandorka

    Bandorka - 2010-02-03

    It is sorted out. God I am pissed. It vas a hard disk error. Replaced and everything is okay now. Thnks

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-28

    We had same problem on one of our Windows machines after Windows updates last week.
    Found out that we have to turn logODBC off. Other wise problem occurs on very first query.

  • Robert Twitty

    Robert Twitty - 2010-09-28

    Is the problem resulting in the geneation of an exception.log entry?


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