
ODBCKit / News: Recent posts

0.5.0 Released

This is a rollup release of modifications form the last few months. It adds quite a bit of funcionality, resolved most of the known bugs and paves the way for several future enhancements, including turning the Query Tool into a fully functional, and ready to use every day tool. Part of this release includes the ability to export results to CSV, and reduces the crashing problems in the query editor.

Posted by Andy Satori 2010-11-19

0.3.0 - 04/22/2009 - Pothole Avoidance Release

This is expected to the be the last release before we begin the push to 1.0.0. It adds some enhancments to the framework itself, but most importantly, paves the way for the last few features for the 1.0 release.

Specific issues addressed in this release are as follows:
Added basic ‘schema browser’ to the Query Tool
Addressed several small issues in the ODBCRecordset and ODBCConnection classses.
Added License text to all files.
Added new functionality to ODBCConnection Class
Removed a bug in ODBCLogin that prevented the Callback from proper function in some cases.
Added Clone method to ODBCConnection to allow a connection to spawn multiple connections.

Posted by Andy Satori 2009-04-22

Query Tool Enhancements & Prepared Statements

There are a few changes underway in the ODBCKit project that we need to share. First, the ODBCKit is getting a new icon. Many thanks to Jonathon for his efforts in making this happen. This new icon is being used both in web presentation and as the default icon in the ODBCLogin panel.

In addition, the ODBCLogin picked up a new method to allow developers to set a custom icon to be used when the login panel is displayed.... read more

Posted by Andy Satori 2008-12-11

0.2.8 Released

Alright, we skipped 0.2.7 as it was used as an interim release between myself and a couple of users. This update is a pretty big bugfix, but also is the start of a new development cycle for the ODBCKit.

After some feedback from a couple of users, we've added some features, but also begun the process of laying out a 'next' step in the evolution of the toolkit. Also note that the first phase of the documentation revamp has started, so check out the Class Reference PDF in the in the Disk Image to see where we are starting to go with the documentation.

Posted by Andy Satori 2008-09-17

0.2.7 In Progress

Due some rather glaring issues with the 0.2.6 revision when dealing with navigation, work on 0.2.7 has been focused on refining some of the details of the current codebase.

We expect to have a new release in the coming days.

Posted by Andy Satori 2008-09-10

ODBCKit 0.2.6 Update

As of today, 0.2.6 has been released, and includes several Leopard specific fixes. The website has also been redirected to where the ODBCKit is once again under active development (yay!)

Posted by Andy Satori 2007-11-02

Leopard and ODBCKit

There is an issue occuring for some Leopard users that causes recordsets to fail. We are investigating and should have a new release that addresses the issue in the coming days.

Posted by Andy Satori 2007-11-01

ODBCKit 0.2.5 Pushed

Alright, the 0.2.5 release is now on the server. Quite a few bug fixes, a couple new features. Check the Release notes for more details.

Posted by Andy Satori 2007-01-26

Bug Fixes Galore!

Today most of the open issues with the query tool where fixed and closed. The code is in SVN and a binary is forthcoming.

Posted by Andy Satori 2007-01-11

ODBCKit Framework Launched

It's official, the code is in SVN, the current releases will be going up this weekend, and the announcements go out Monday.

What started as a project that I've lamented that didn't exist, has become a something, well, more. The interest is far greater than expected, and as such, we are thrilled to be publishing this. Admittedly, getting everything moved here to SourceForge killed some development time for a few days, but here we are, ready to go. The remaining information on the pages will migrate here over the next few weeks.

Posted by Andy Satori 2006-09-21