
odb / News: Recent posts

Query was over

Query can use now. A fine method was found for query. Please see document. I will work at concurrency, improve on transaction mechanism.

Posted by hns1971 2005-09-21

All documents complete

All documents complete, include design, source summery, state summery. I will see ozone that is a object-oriented database. Then I will decide where are we going. If nothing changed, I will complete system-core continue.

Posted by hns1971 2005-09-17

Document format changed

Design document and code summery document transfer to html format. All document format must html after today. Please write document use open office. That support html document. You can access for download it.

Posted by hns1971 2005-09-15

Design document complete.

Design document complete today. Next document is class introduce. Please down it from cvs.

Posted by hns1971 2005-09-14

Ozone!An object-oriented DB

I think we can consult Ozone especially for Storage design.
useful link:

Posted by sexstone 2005-09-14

Two more members have embarked!

Two more memebers, Liu shuqiang and Li guyu have successfully embarked on ODB now. We are expecting to see more members soon.

Posted by li guyu 2005-09-12

login cvs successfully using ssh!sexstone

And I will prepare the document, but it may take lots of time.

Posted by sexstone 2005-09-12

Our cvs can use today

All friends:

Our cvs can use today. Please access cvs repository direct use eclipse3.1, needn't install cvs or ssh client.

1. Generate your private key and public key use putty-gen. Then post public key to sourceforge, save private key in secure position. (Please refrence sourceforge document of CVS).

2. Select window-preferences in eclipse. Please select team-cvs-ssh2 connection item from left tree. Set ssh2 home and private keys in general page tag.... read more

Posted by hns1971 2005-09-10

welcom new staff add

ODB project created on 09/05/2005. There are four developers. We will provide a entity manager. This project is now at planning stat.

Posted by hns1971 2005-09-09