
Old Durandal / News: Recent posts

All Marathon engines in one

Version 0.6a5 does M1 (in original form, emulated to near-perfection now), M2 and Infinity, and runs M2 film replays with high-consistency.
The big difference between the older engines and this? The monsters are smarter, the graphics are expandable (high-res textures, high screen resolutions - beyond what you can select in the menu if you hack the program). The translucency method is faster than Aleph One's - still, no graphics card support necessary.
Downside: you still need a Classic Mac or emulator.

Posted by ap 2012-06-12

Version 0.2, FAT build

Finally, I have finished a development release that will run natively on PPC, with version 0.2.

There is no telling how buggy or runnable it actually is on a PowerMac, but it is stable enough on a 68040.

Having it run as a Carbon app and buildable for x86 architecture are necessary goals in the future.

Posted by ap 2006-11-20

take off

The project is up!
It has been some time since I've submitted the project. That's because I have no money! Things will take a long time to move forward because I have to build my own tools (that's what I'm doing right now).

Whether submitting this project was a mistake or not, it will surely be stimulating (to me at least).

Posted by ap 2005-04-19