
OCW Language and Interpreter / News: Recent posts

Porting to C nearly complete

I've very nearly finished porting OCW to C, meaning that it will finally compile and run on Windows (djgpp compiler) as well as Linux (gcc compiler). Also the syntax of the OCW language has been cleaned up dramatically and is now more reminiscent of standard C syntax. Will be uploading v1.0 very soon, --Will

Posted by Will Grover 2004-06-17

OCW improvements

Some much-needed improvements to OCW are in the works, including porting the interpreter to C++ for better cross-platform portability and performance, expanding the language to include some useful new operations, improving the runtime user interaction functions a bit, making the "w" timing a bit more accurate and less processor-intensive, etc. etc. etc. Fingers crossed; spare time to work on this is hard to come by, but we'll see. More later, --wgrover

Posted by Will Grover 2004-03-07

OCW v0.91 released

Mostly several minor bugfixes from version 0.90 as I slowly get better at Perl. The preamble commands "armed" and "negate" now work correctly. The Makefile has been cleaned up a bit; still only Linux is supported. Read INSTALL for all the information.

Posted by Will Grover 2003-10-21

OCW v0.9 released

A "beta" if there ever was one, OCW v0.9 is now available for download. Still many rough edges that I will hopefully address soon. Hope somebody out there finds it useful!

Posted by Will Grover 2003-10-10