
Octogris 2.2.9 and 3.01 jittery in DP 8 and DP 9

  • Louis Dufort

    Louis Dufort - 2016-04-06


    Seems like Octogris is struggling to send a full resolution automation to Digital Performer, or DP is struggling to record everything coming at him from octogris ? The tests were done on 2 different mac pro, on DP 8 and DP 9 using Octogris version 2.2.9 and 3.0.1, the same problem always occur, no matter what.

    Here's a little vidéo that demonstrate the problem.

    Thanks you

    • Louis Dufort

      Louis Dufort - 2016-04-06

      Have just checked with Ableton live 9, and it's the same problem, V3 and V2


      • Louis Dufort

        Louis Dufort - 2016-04-06

        Works in Live if the automation is generated from the X Y live plugin interface. So, the problem seems to come from the octogris interface that skips some data on sending it to the DAW. Note, that I have not tried with a joystick.


  • Robert Normandeau

    It is well known that automation writing in real-time is problematic in DP due to its graphical interface.
    Here are a couple of suggestions and adjustments that can be made in DP to increase the precision of the automation wiriting:
    1. Automation Setup (the most important factor). Setup -> Automation Setup
    Min time between recorded points: 10ms would help
    Min change between recorded points: 10% would help
    NB A Thin Continous Data operation could be made afterwards to reduce the amount of recorded data.
    2. All Plug-ins in Real-time. Preferences -> AudioPlug-ins
    By default, DP uses Pre-Gen Mode when Possible. As far as we know, this setting works only with MAS plugins. For anything else, choose All Plug-ins in Real-time
    3. Don't show automation during recording
    When you record automation, put the tracks in soundbite view mode instead of of the parameters you are recording, by instance Octgris3 [Source 1-X]. Our experience shows that the kind of jaggy curves you have experienced could be related to the graphical representation dusring the recording.
    We are still working on increasing the automation precision.
    Tell us if this helps.
    This is the kind of curves I registered with these settings (from top to bottom, Octogris, SpatGRIS(1), ZirkOSC).
    (1) SpatGRIS is not available yet):


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