
signal Merge Request #1: Implemented idwt (rejected)



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Chais wants to merge 1 commit from /u/chais/octave/ to default, 2019-04-06

Added a simple implementation of the inverse discrete wavelet transform (1D) and tested it with a Haar-wavelet.

Commit Date  
[862e6d] (defaulttip) by chais

Implemented idwt

2015-12-22 09:40:46 Tree


  • Mike Miller

    Mike Miller - 2015-12-24

    Thanks for the contribution. Looks good at a glance, have not yet tested.

    Some suggestions:

    • Please remove the 3-line author block below the docstrings, you can add your email to the copyright line if you like
    • Please use consistent spacing: zeros( should be zeros (, x=utmp+vtmp should be x = utmp + vtmp
    • Move the print_usage () case to the top, see other functions
    • Can you add test cases to the end of the function? Maybe test dwt and idwt together? See other functions
    • Please also add a mention of the new function in the NEWS file and add it to the INDEX file

    Let me know if you have any questions or need help with these changes.

  • Peter Kleiweg

    Peter Kleiweg - 2018-02-28

    There is an error on line 50:

        [Hp, Gp] = wfilters (wname, "d");

    This should be:

        [Hp, Gp] = wfilters (wname, "r");
  • Mike Miller

    Mike Miller - 2019-04-06
    • Status: open --> rejected

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