
Tree [dca46e] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 doc 2013-05-29 johanb88 johanb88 [347140] New help files
 inst 2013-06-07 johanb88 johanb88 [994d6d] Documentation string fixes
 .hgignore 2014-03-10 Juan Pablo Carbajal Juan Pablo Carbajal [4e19e8] mant: fixing .hgignore to avoid gedit backup files
 COPYING 2011-09-26 jpicarbajal jpicarbajal [b345c0] mechanics-1.0.0. First commit: Adding functions
 DESCRIPTION 2016-04-14 Carnë Draug Carnë Draug [dca46e] maint: fix package name ('Mechanics' -> 'mechan...
 INDEX 2012-08-24 jpicarbajal jpicarbajal [662bc1] mechanics: Doc improvement. Bug fixes. Adding n...
 NEWS 2013-05-16 jpicarbajal jpicarbajal [d9cd98] mechanics: bug in rodmassmatrix. It was asusmed...
 PKG_ADD 2012-08-25 jpicarbajal jpicarbajal [5e7c4f] mechanics: improving PKG_* scripts
 PKG_DEL 2012-08-25 jpicarbajal jpicarbajal [5e7c4f] mechanics: improving PKG_* scripts
 README.B4ADDING 2011-12-09 jpicarbajal jpicarbajal [25b689] mechanics: Major structure change finished. Eve...
 pre_install.m 2011-12-09 jpicarbajal jpicarbajal [25b689] mechanics: Major structure change finished. Eve...

Read Me

This is a multipackage, therefore it is organized in subfolders.

When adding a new subproject with a src folder, make sure to provide a unique makefile
merged with the previous one. The installation scripts doesn't hanlde multiple Makefiles yet.

You will need to edit pre_install as well...

I will fix this asap. If you have ideas please send me an e-mail.

JPi Carbajal 12-2011