
OCaml Network Application Environment / News: Recent posts

Released: cf-0.10, nx-0.0 and iom-0.4

Split the network extensions into separate library.
Fixed compatibility with OCaml-3.10.2.
Minor overhaul to gadgets.

Posted by james woodyatt 2008-06-04

OCaml NAE: release cf-0.9

This release is compatible with OCaml 3.10.0, fixes a bug in red-black tree nearest matching search, and improves performance of removing from skew-binomial heaps.

Posted by james woodyatt 2007-09-19

OCaml NAE: cf-0.8 and iom-0.3 released

The OCaml Network Application Environment (NAE) released updates to the Core Foundation (Cf) and I/O Monad (Iom) library modules today.

The Cf library release is a maintenance update to fix bugs and add a few minor new features. The most significant new feature is better support for lifting functional object state into a stateless gadget monad.

The Iom library release is the result of <i>yet another</i> complete refactoring of the programming interface to promote better reuse and improve adaptability to new I/O types and protocols. This time, the result is much closer in spirit to the venerable SVR4 STREAM framework, updated for functional programming in OCaml, of course.

Posted by james woodyatt 2006-07-15

OCaml NAE releases: cf-0.7 and iom-0.2

The OCaml Network Application Environment (NAE) released updates to the Core Foundation (Cf) and I/O Monad (Iom) library modules today.

The Cf library release is a maintenance update to fix bugs and add a few minor new features.

The Iom library release is the result of a complete refactoring of the programming interface to promote better reuse and improve adaptability to new I/O types and protocols.

Posted by james woodyatt 2005-07-26

OCaml NAE release: cf-0.6

This release fixes critical bugs and adds a regular expression syntax to the lexical analyzer module as well as separate functions for matching, searching and parsing with a single regular expression (as opposed to a list of lexical analyzer rules). Also adds several new minor additions. See the CHANGES file for the full roundup.

Posted by james woodyatt 2005-06-02

OCaml NAE releases: cf-0.5 and iom-0.1

The OCaml Network Application Environment (NAE) released maintenance updates to the Core Foundation (cf) and I/O Monad (iom) library modules today. These updates contain only bug fixes and a couple of minor, but important changes to the interfaces.

Posted by james woodyatt 2004-12-31

OCaml NAE Iom-0.0 Package

The Iom package is an implementation of functional compositional reactive I/O functions designed for writing concurrent single-threaded network application services in Objective Caml.

Posted by james woodyatt 2004-10-19

OCaml NAE Cf-0.4 Package

New release of the OCaml Network Application Environment Core Foundation package (Cf). Fixes a major leak in the Cf_gadget scheduler and responds to a request from Debian to fix the Makefile for architectures that do not have OCaml native code compilers.

Posted by james woodyatt 2004-10-10

OCaml NAE Now Hosted At SF.Net

Previously indexed only on the Objective Caml Humps (c.f. <URL:>) as the "Pagoda Core Foundation", and distributed from an undecorated directory on my personal web site, the Object Caml Network Application Environment (NAE) is now hosted at SourceForge.Net.

All four previous releases of the Core Foundation (Cf) library are now available for download from the SF.Net project page for OCaml NAE. Each package includes the ocamldoc files in a separate download. These releases are also tagged appropriately in the CVS repository.... read more

Posted by james woodyatt 2004-09-03

OCaml NAE Migrating to SF.Net

OCaml Network Application Environment (NAE) is a collection of Objective Caml libraries to support the development of concurrent, single-threaded Internet application servers. This project was previously released on the OCaml Hump under the name "Pagoda" and comprised only one library, i.e. the Core Foundation (Cf). The project is now reaching the level of maturity that migrating to SourceForge is a good idea.... read more

Posted by james woodyatt 2004-09-02