[ocnae-help] ANNOUNCE: OCaml NAE release cf-0.7 and iom-0.2
Status: Pre-Alpha
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From: james w. <jh...@we...> - 2005-07-26 07:26:17
everyone-- Today, the OCaml Network Application Environment (NAE) has released maintenance updates of two of its published libraries. As its project page on SourceForge.Net says, OCaml NAE is "a collection of Objective Caml libraries to support the development of concurrent, single-threaded Internet application servers." For downloads and more information, please see: <http://sf.net/projects/ocnae/> The two libraries updated in this release are the Core Foundation (cf) and the Reactive I/O Monad (iom). The cf library was formerly known as the Pagoda Core Foundation. The complete CHANGES records for both libraries since their previous releases follows excerpts of the README files. ===== OCaml NAE Core Foundation (cf) library ===== This distribution is the Objective Caml Network Application Environment (NAE) Core Foundation library, which is a collection of miscellaneous extensions to the Objective Caml standard library. Highlighted features include: - Functional streams and stream processors (extended). - Functional bootstrapped skew-binomial heap. - Functional red-black binary tree (associative array). - Functional sets based on red-black binary tree. - Functional real-time catenable deque. - Functional LL(x) parsing using state-exception monad. - Functional lazy deterministic finite automaton (DFA). - Functional lexical analyzer (using lazy DFA and monadic parser). - Functional substring list manipulation (message buffer chains). - Gregorian calendar date manipulation. - Standard time manipulation. - System time in Temps Atomique Internationale (TAI). - Unicode transcoding. - Extended socket interface (supports more options, and UDP w/ multicast). - Universal resource identifier (URI) manipulation. - I/O event multiplexing (with Unix.select). Note: see the ISSUES file for a list of open problems in this release. ===== Required Components ===== This library requires the following external components: - Objective Caml (v3.08.3 or newer) - Findlib (tested with v1.0.4) Principal development was on Mac OS X 10.3 and Mac OS X 10.4 w/ XCode 2.1 using GCC 4.0. The final version of this library also compiled successfully and passed all self-tests without warnings on Suse Linux 9.2 for x86-32. Other platforms with POSIX-like environments should require only a minimal porting effort. One major open issue: the extended socket interface is broken under WIN32. (The author invites help porting the library to other environments.) ===== OCaml NAE Reactive I/O Monad (iom) library ===== This distribution is the Objective Caml Network Application Environment (NAE) Reactive I/O Monad library, which implements I/O monad functions designed to facilitate writing of concurrent, reactive, single-threaded network application services in a functional style. Note: see the ISSUES file for a list of open problems in this release. ===== Required Components ===== This library requires the following external components: - Objective Caml (v3.08.3 or newer) - Findlib (v1.0.4) - OCaml NAE Core Foundation (cf-0.7) Principal development was on Mac OS X 10.3 and Mac OS X 10.4 w/ XCode 2.1 using GCC 4.0. The final version of this library also compiled successfully and passed all self-tests without warnings on Suse Linux 9.2 for x86-32. Other platforms with POSIX-like environments should require only a minimal porting effort. ===== CHANGES ===== |