
Java Start Button & netx 0.4

The Java Start Button loads and runs Java applications and applets from a menu and into a shared JVM. This means that apps start instantly and take a very small amount of extra memory.

Check out the Java Start Button web page:

It has about 50 application listed so far, and the list auto-updates so it can always show the newest apps. If you have any Java application or applet that you think should be listed please send a link to it (and writing a JNLP file to load it would be great also).

The Java Start Button is based on the netx JNLP client -- version 0.4 of netx is also released now. The new version adds a lot of features for running multiple apps effectively in a single JVM. For the netx description and homepage, just follow the same link.

Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP) clients, such as Java Web Start, download code over the network, cache it, and run it on the client computer. Sun's Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) uses an XML-based format for specifying what code to download and run from the network to run Java applications, applets, and installer programs. One of the main benefits is that the programs are kept up-to-date, making JNLP an especially excellent choice for apps under developement.


Posted by Jon A. Maxwell (JAM) 2002-03-21

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