
Object Component Desktop (OCD) / News: Recent posts

OCD 0.3 Released

OCD The Object Component Desktop has released version 0.3. This version includes a Native Windows launcher that runs in the System Tray and makes it easy for users to integrate windows witht he OCD Desktop.

OCD acts as an execution environment for JNLP Applications, Applets, Native Apps, and Web Sites. Tiles can be created for the various application types and placed on the desktop or into groups called TileSets. Sticky notes can also be created on the desktop. ... read more

Posted by Deane Richan 2002-08-29

OCD 0.2.1

New release of OCD posted with improved support for progress indication and it can now be started from the webbrowser using Java Web Start.

Posted by Deane Richan 2002-06-21

OCD 0.2 Released

OCD 0.2 provides integration with the NetX JNP client along with many improvements to the Desktop UI. Including new Master Tile and TileSet support. Also a new Command Manager as been implemented.

Posted by Deane Richan 2002-05-28

Java Start Button & netx 0.4

The Java Start Button loads and runs Java applications and applets from a menu and into a shared JVM. This means that apps start instantly and take a very small amount of extra memory.

Check out the Java Start Button web page:

It has about 50 application listed so far, and the list auto-updates so it can always show the newest apps. If you have any Java application or applet that you think should be listed please send a link to it (and writing a JNLP file to load it would be great also).... read more

Posted by Jon A. Maxwell (JAM) 2002-03-21

netx-0.3 released

The netx program aims to be a small, efficient, quality open-source JNLP client, which means that it downloads code over the network, caches it, and runs it on the client computer. Sun's Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) uses an XML-based format for specifying what code to download and run from the network to run Java applications, applets, and installer programs.

Netx is similar to Sun's Java Web Start and other clients except that it is written to be small and network-based instead of like a traditional application. The result is a ~120K executable JAR file that downloads additional components as needed.... read more

Posted by Jon A. Maxwell (JAM) 2002-02-19

netx-0.2 released

Netx downloads code over the network, caches it, and runs it in a secure environment. This is a stand-alone command line version of the JNLP client code used to load Java applications and applets into the Object Component Desktop.

With this version most applications and applets on the internet run flawlessly, but there are still many features of JNLP that are being completed.

JNLP stands for Sun's Java Network Launching Protocol, which is an XML-based protocol for specifying the resources for an application and how to start it.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2002-01-03

OCD 0.1 Preview Released

The initial public release of OCD version 0.1 is now ready for public preview. OCD provides a Desktop for Java JNLP Applications and Applets. New features will be added quickly now that the initial achitecture and services framework is implemented.

Posted by Deane Richan (dino) 2001-12-13

OCD SourceForge Project Started

Finally after several months of work the OCD project comes to life. This is exciting and alot of fun to work on this product!

Posted by Deane Richan (dino) 2001-09-01