
#27 Traint ontology suggestions


Hi Pankaj,

Please find attached the document of TO suggestion and do needful




  • Arul Prakasam Peter

    tab delimited txt file

  • Pankaj Jaiswal

    Pankaj Jaiswal - 2011-08-19
    • status: open --> closed-accepted
  • Pankaj Jaiswal

    Pankaj Jaiswal - 2011-08-19

    id: TO:0020089
    name: iron content
    def: "The total iron ion content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

    id: TO:0020090
    name: zinc content
    def: "The total zinc ion content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

    id: TO:0020091
    name: manganese content
    def: "The total manganese ion content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

    id: TO:0020092
    name: copper content
    def: "The total copper ion content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

    id: TO:0020093
    name: nitrogen content
    def: "The total nitrogen content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

    id: TO:0020094
    name: nitrate content
    def: "The total nitrate content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0020093 ! nitrogen content
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

    id: TO:0020095
    name: stomatal process related trait
    def: "Trait associated with any of the stomatal opening, closure, conductance, resistance process." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000349 ! physiological process related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:06:44Z

    id: TO:0020096
    name: mineral and ion transport trait
    def: "Trait associated with directed movement of minerals and ions into, out of, within or between cells." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000349 ! physiological process related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:08:23Z

    id: TO:0020097
    name: stomatal opening
    def: "A trait to measure the physiological parameters involved in the process of opening of stomatal pores." [GR:pj, TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0020095 ! stomatal process related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:09:49Z

    id: TO:0020098
    name: nitrate sensitivity
    def: "A trait to measure the sensitivity to the nitrate content in the growth medium." [GR:pj, TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000011 ! nitrogen sensitivity
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:11:32Z

    id: TO:0020099
    name: nitrate transport
    def: "Trait associated with directed movement of nitrate into, out of, within or between cells." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0020096 ! mineral and ion transport trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:13:47Z

    id: TO:0020100
    name: nitrate uptake
    def: "The total nitrate ion uptake measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0020096 ! mineral and ion transport trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:13:47Z

    id: TO:0020101
    name: starch mobilization
    def: "Trait associated with directed movement of starch." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0020096 ! mineral and ion transport trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:13:47Z

    id: TO:0020102
    name: phosphate content
    def: "The total phosphate content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors]
    synonym: "phosphate ion content" EXACT []
    is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:16:58Z

    id: TO:0020103
    name: adventitious root length
    def: "Average maximum length of adventitious root of a plant in a study." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000227 ! root length
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:18:45Z

    id: TO:0020104
    name: adventitious rootless
    def: "Absence of adventitious roots in the plant." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000084 ! root number
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:19:49Z

    id: TO:0020105
    name: CW-cytoplasmic male sterility
    def: "A trait to measure the CW type of ytoplasmic male sterility in plants." [TO:contributors]
    comment: Often measured by abnormal pollen germination.
    is_a: TO:0000580 ! cytoplasmic male sterility
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:21:39Z

    id: TO:0020106
    name: Indole-3-acetic acid content
    def: "Measures the IAA content in a plant or plant part." [TO:contributors]
    synonym: "IAA content" EXACT []
    synonym: "Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content" EXACT []
    is_a: TO:0002672 ! auxin content
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:24:06Z

    id: TO:0020107
    name: plant cell length
    def: "A trait to measure the length of a plant cell." [GR:pj]
    is_a: TO:0002683 ! plant cell anatomy and morphology trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:25:39Z

    id: TO:0020108
    name: root cortical cell length
    def: "Length of the root epidermal cell length." [GR:pj]
    is_a: TO:0020107 ! plant cell length
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:26:36Z

    id: TO:0020109
    name: vascular bundle development trait
    def: "Traits associated with observing effects on the development of vascular bundle." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000357 ! growth and development trait
    is_a: TO:0000470 ! vascular tissue related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:27:34Z

    id: TO:0020110
    name: gynoecium development trait
    def: "Traits associated with observing effects on the development of the gynoecium." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000357 ! growth and development trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:29:46Z

    id: TO:0020111
    name: ovary development trait
    def: "Traits associated with observing effects on the development of the ovary." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0020110 ! gynoecium development trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:30:47Z

    id: TO:0020112
    name: phosphorus toxicity
    def: "Accumulation of phosphate level in a plant or a plant part at toxic level." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000102 ! phosphorus sensitivity
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:31:40Z

    id: TO:0020114
    name: shoot phosphorus content
    def: "Amount of phosphorus in the shoot." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0001024 ! phosphorus content
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:35:33Z

    id: TO:0020115
    name: chlorophyll fluorescence quenching
    def: "The process to maintain the balance between dissipation and utilization of light energy to minimize generation of oxidizing molecules." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000349 ! physiological process related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:36:34Z

    id: TO:0020116
    name: photochemical quenching
    def: "The process to maintain the balance between dissipation and utilization of light energy to minimize generation of oxidizing molecules under light conditions." [GR:pj, TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000349 ! physiological process related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:37:43Z

    id: TO:0020117
    name: non photochemical quenching
    def: "The process to maintain the balance between dissipation and utilization of light energy to minimize generation of oxidizing molecules under no light conditions." [GR:pj, TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000349 ! physiological process related trait
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:37:43Z

    id: TO:0020118
    name: neoxanthin content
    def: "The neoxanthin content in a plant or plant part." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000301 ! xanthophyll content
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:39:32Z

    id: TO:0020119
    name: violaxanthin content
    def: "The violaxanthin content in a plant or plant part." [TO:contributors]
    is_a: TO:0000301 ! xanthophyll content
    created_by: jaiswalp
    creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:40:04Z


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