
#74 pesticide treatment and children

Plant Treatment
Laura Moore

Current name and definition
pesticide regimen (EO:0007167): The treatment involving use of pesticides to study various types of responses on their application.

Proposed new name and definition:
pesticide treatment (EO:0007167): A chemical treatment (EO:0007189) involving use of pesticides to study various types of responses on their application.

Current children of pesticide regimen:
herbicide regimen (EO:0007183): The treatment involving use of herbicides to study various types of responses on their application.

Proposed new name and definition:
herbicide treatment (EO:0007183): A pesticide treatment (EO:0007167) involving use of herbicides to study various types of responses on their application.

insecticide regimen (EO:0007632): The treatment involving use of insecticides to study various types of responses on their application.

Proposed new name and definition:
insecticide treatment (EO:0007632): A pesticide treatment (EO:0007167) involving use of insecticides to study various types of responses on their application.

fungicide regimen (EO:0007268): The treatment involving use of fungicides to study various types of responses on their application.

Proposed new name and definition:
fungicide treatment (EO:0007268): A pesticide treatment (EO:0007167) involving use of fungicides to study various types of responses on their application.


  • Pankaj Jaiswal

    Pankaj Jaiswal - 2014-01-28

    Current children of pesticide regimen:
    herbicide regimen (EO:0007183): The treatment involving use of herbicides to study various types of responses on their application.

    Proposed new name and definition:
    herbicide treatment (EO:0007183): A pesticide treatment (EO:0007167) involving use of herbicides to study various types of responses on their application.

    COMMENT__>Please check herbicide should not be a child of pesticide. They are independent sibling entities.

    Also if possible we should Xref to the ChEBI ontology for such roles.

  • Laura Moore

    Laura Moore - 2014-01-28

    New proposed definitions:

    Pesticide treatment (EO:0007167): A chemical treatment (EO:0007189) involving the application of a pesticide; a chemical entity or mixture of chemical entities.

    herbicide treatment (EO:0007183): A pesticide treatment (EO:0007167) involving the application of a herbicide; a chemical entity or mixture of chemical entities.

    insecticide treatment (EO:0007632): A pesticide treatment (EO:0007167) involving the application of an insecticide; a chemical entity or mixture of chemical entities.

    fungicide treatment (EO:0007268): A pesticide treatment (EO:0007167) involving the application of a fungicide; a chemical entity or mixture of chemical entities.


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