
#2026 definition of 'blood vessel elastic tissue' MP:0006083


The definition states this is found in the tunica media

id: MP:0006083
name: abnormal blood vessel elastic tissue morphology
namespace: MPheno.ontology
def: "any structural anomaly of the tissue that is found in the *tunica media* of the vessels wall and allows vessels to stretch" [MGI:smb, NCBI:matt]
synonym: "abnormal elastic laminae morphology" EXACT []
synonym: "abnormal vascular elastic tissue morphology" EXACT []
xref: MA:0002856
is_a: MP:0001614  ! abnormal blood vessel morphology

However, the xrefd MA term is used more generally, to encompass external and internal membranes, the latter of which is not in the tunica media

      is_a MA:0002856 ! blood vessel elastic tissue ***  [part_of: "blood vessel"]
        is_a MA:0002859 ! aorta elastic tissue [part_of: "aorta"]
        is_a MA:0002862 ! external elastic membrane [part_of: "tunica media"]
        is_a MA:0002863 ! internal elastic membrane [part_of: "tunica intima"]

As an additional confounding factor, the FMA calls these laminae and classifies them as acellular (disjoint from tissue, which is cellular):

 / FMA:62955 ! Anatomical entity
  is_a FMA:61775 ! Physical anatomical entity
   is_a FMA:67165 ! Material anatomical entity
    is_a FMA:67135 ! Anatomical structure
     is_a FMA:63863 ! Acellular anatomical structure
      is_a FMA:68205 ! Internal elastic lamina *** 
      is_a FMA:68206 ! External elastic lamina *** 
     is_a FMA:9637 ! Portion of tissue
      is_a FMA:62798 ! Portion of heterogeneous tissue
       is_a FMA:20113 ! Elastic tissue *** 


  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2015-02-21
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
     However, the xrefd MA term is used more generally, to encompass external and internal membranes, the latter of which is not in the tunica media
           is_a MA:0002856 ! blood vessel elastic tissue ***  [part_of: "blood vessel"]
             is_a MA:0002859 ! aorta elastic tissue [part_of: "aorta"]
    • Group: -->
  • Cynthia Smith

    Cynthia Smith - 2015-05-28
    • status: open --> pending-accepted
  • Cynthia Smith

    Cynthia Smith - 2015-05-28

    The text definition has been amended to be consistent with the UBERON term. Will look further regarding the elastic tissue vs laminae issue.


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