

was uploaded last night. Changes include:
+ minor bug fixes in JarFileSystem (canRead()/canWrite()
should check existance of file)
+ add charToString() function, to convert an int key code
(such as returned from Reader#read) to a string
+ little bug fix in compiler, seen when an Expression
follows an ImportBlock
+ bug fix for determining which java method to call, when
there is a choice between multiple methods that take
different args... prefer the method that doesn't convert
a InexactNumber to an byte/short/int/long or an
ExactNumber to a float/double
+ bug fix: java.lang.Character should be converted to
script type String
+ add getJavaException method to JavaException exception
+ use UMLDoclet to generate UML diagrams along with javadoc
API docs
+ Debugger fix, treat step-breakpoint on a per-thread basis

Note that the debugger support is currently only an API that can be used by a debugger implementation, but has no UI. I have been working on an integrated editor+debugger which uses this API, but it is currently tied to a proprietary application framework (for developing hybrid script/java applications) that I work on during my day job. Hopefully I will be given permission to release this application framework under the LGPL license, or failing that make a binary available, but that will take at least a couple months (I need to do some cleanup to seperate parts of the framework that is specific to the product I work on from the generic parts.) But hopefully by the end of the summer I'll be able to make an application development environment including IDE available for download.

Posted by Rob Clark 2002-05-08

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