
#820 NTR: terms related to RNA seq data analysis


The Eukaryotic Pathogen Database Resources Centre (EuPathDB) need following terms in anntation of RNA-seq data analysis.

average mapping coverage
proportion mapped reads
number mapped reads
average read length
unstranded unique average mapping coverage
unstranded unique proportion mapped reads
unstranded unique number mapped reads
unstranded unique average read length
unstranded non unique average mapping coverage
unstranded non unique proportion mapped reads
unstranded non unique number mapped reads
unstranded non unique average read length
first strand unique average mapping coverage
first strand unique proportion mapped reads
first strand unique number mapped reads
first strand unique average read length
first strand non unique unstranded unique average mapping coverage
first strand non unique unstranded unique proportion mapped reads
first strand non unique unstranded unique number mapped reads
first strand non unique unstranded unique average read length
second strand unique unstranded non unique average mapping coverage
second strand unique unstranded non unique proportion mapped reads
second strand unique unstranded non unique number mapped reads
second strand unique unstranded non unique average read length
second strand non unique first strand unique average mapping coverage
second strand non unique first strand unique proportion mapped reads
second strand non unique first strand unique number mapped reads
second strand non unique first strand unique average read length

We would like to provide more details when needed.


  • bjoernpeters

    bjoernpeters - 2016-10-03
    • assigned_to: jzheng
  • bjoernpeters

    bjoernpeters - 2016-10-03

    Discussed in call 10/3. Yes, this should be covered, and might be a good use case for data item / value specification modeling.


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