
#781 New term request: enhancer reporter gene assay

Paul Thomas

I'm trying to get new terms to describe some of the data in the FaceBase resource (this project is funded by NIH/NIDCR, website at

  1. Suggested term name: Enhancer activity detection by reporter gene assay. There is currently a term for "Promoter activity detection by reporter gene assay" so this could be added as a sibling.
  2. Synonyms: enhancer reporter gene assay
  3. Definition: An assay in which expression of a reporter gene is detected that was inserted under the control of an enhancer of interest.
  4. Definition source: PMID 24614317
  5. Parent term: suggest new term "reporter gene assay" (Definition: An assay in which expression of a reporter gene is detected that was inserted under the control of a regulatory sequence of interest.), with the existing term "Promoter activity detection by reporter gene assay" as a child of this same parent.
  6. Example of usage: PMID 19268701: "we experimentally concatenated up to four enhancers from different genes and used a transgenic mouse assay to compare the in vivo activity of these compound elements with that of the single modules"
  7. Editors: Paul D. Thomas, Yang Chai


  • Chris Stoeckert

    Chris Stoeckert - 2015-10-08

    Proposed by Jie Z.:
    Has_specified_output some (‘data item’ and is about SO:enhancer (
    Evaluant role ‘inheres in’ some DNA

    We (CS and JZ) agree with proposed new term as parent: "reporter gene assay". Note that IEDB has 'reporter gene assay' as alternative label for 'promoter activity detection by reporter gene assay' ( but we want to point out that reporter gene assays can be used for more than promoter activity as this term request illustrates.

    Term to add: "reporter gene assay" definition: An assay in which expression is detected of a reporter gene that was inserted under the control of a regulatory sequence of interest.
    JZ suggests:
    preferred label: reporter gene detection assay (CS common usage is reporter gene assay)
    - Realize ‘molecular label role’ inhered in (DNA ‘is concretized as’ some SO:gene)
    - Has_part some Detection of molecular label


    Last edit: Chris Stoeckert 2015-10-08
  • Chris Stoeckert

    Chris Stoeckert - 2015-11-23

    Discussed on Nov 23 call. Agreed to create a general parent class of reporter gene assay.
    AI: Chris to add.

  • Chris Stoeckert

    Chris Stoeckert - 2015-11-24
    • status: open --> closed
  • Chris Stoeckert

    Chris Stoeckert - 2015-11-24

    Added term to OBI.


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