
#765 Relating processed specimens to their source

Yu Lin

Purpose for creating a relation:
To relate the material that is evaluated in an assay to its starting source (e.g., organism or organism part) when there are several intervening processes (e.g., specimen collection, material processing, etc.).

The need for directly linking a processed material(specimen or sample) to its origin is a common issue in other community-based ontology projects, such as BCO and other OBI based or non-OBI based application ontologies. One example here: GlycoRDF

We have considered using 'derived from' relation from RO during the OBI-call on 5/4/2015. However, this relation was created to model the biological developmental cases, such as :
- this cell derives from this parent cell (cell division)
- this nucleus derives from this parent nucleus (nuclear division).
See the link to RO discussion for the proposed use case (

The relation 'derives from' doesn't cover the processed material with their relation to their original source. We need to provide a OBI-workable relation for this use case.

More use cases and reviews for other practices are welcome.


  • Chris Stoeckert

    Chris Stoeckert - 2016-03-14

    discussed on March 13, 2016. In RDF, these connections can be made with existing relations in two steps (collecting specimen and material processing). We request a use case where this is not possible or a short cut is necessary.

  • Chris Stoeckert

    Chris Stoeckert - 2016-03-14
    • assigned_to: James A. Overton

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