
#707 new term request for chromatin immunoprecipitation



We need an OBI term for Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP, not ChIP-chip or ChIP-seq etc). The existing immunoprecipitation OBI term is not suitable and the high throughput assays are outside the scope of the experiments being described and not all the experiments end up as Western blots. The protein interactions type terms are also unsuitable.

I propose adding chromatin immunoprecipitation assay as a child of the existing immunoprecipitation term.

The original reference for chromatin immunoprecipitation is
Gilmour & Lis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1984 Jul;81(14):4275-9.
and can be found linked from here:

ps. The link for your documentation on submission guidelines is broken, let me know if you require further information.


OBI Terms: #707


  • James A. Overton

    Thanks for the term request and for pointing out that broken link. I'll suggest that this issue be added to the agenda for Monday's OBI conference call.

    It would be helpful if you could propose a textual definition for the new term, along the lines of the definitions of similar terms in OBI. Do you propose that ChIP-seq and ChIP-chip should be children of the new term? If possible, suggestions for the logical axioms of the proposed term would also be helpful.

    • Alan Ruttenberg

      Alan Ruttenberg - 2014-05-30

      ChIP-seq and ChIP-chip would have part chromatin immunoprecipitation. The
      other parts would be the sequencing or hybridization processes.

      If you wanted a parent term it would need to be something like: 'Assay
      using chromatin immunoprecipitation' and then all three would be children
      of that.


      On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 11:29 AM, James A. Overton wrote:

      Thanks for the term request and for pointing out that broken link. I'll
      suggest that this issue be added to the agenda for Monday's OBI conference

      It would be helpful if you could propose a textual definition for the new
      term, along the lines of the definitions of similar terms in OBI. Do you
      propose that ChIP-seq and ChIP-chip should be children of the new term? If
      possible, suggestions for the logical axioms of the proposed term would
      also be helpful.

      Status: open
      Group: general
      Created: Wed May 28, 2014 10:53 PM UTC by plloyd
      Last Updated: Wed May 28, 2014 10:53 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody


      We need an OBI term for Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP, not ChIP-chip
      or ChIP-seq etc). The existing immunoprecipitation OBI term is not suitable
      and the high throughput assays are outside the scope of the experiments
      being described and not all the experiments end up as Western blots. The
      protein interactions type terms are also unsuitable.

      I propose adding chromatin immunoprecipitation assay as a child of the
      existing immunoprecipitation term.

      The original reference for chromatin immunoprecipitation is
      Gilmour & Lis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1984 Jul;81(14):4275-9.
      and can be found linked from here:

      ps. The link for your documentation on submission guidelines is broken,
      let me know if you require further information.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      OBI Terms: #707

      • plloyd

        plloyd - 2014-05-30

        I agree that using it as a parent term 'Assay using chromatin immunoprecipitation' and having ChIP-seq etc as child terms as suggested by Alan fits well.

        A term definition based on general ChIP protocols (I can't find anything that sums it already, so this is my attempt based on CHS protocols, wikipedia, life tech, ChIP-seq term definition):

        An assay in which protein-DNA complexes are extracted from short regions of chromatin and are reversibly cross linked, immunoprecipitated with antibodies or tags, purified, and amplified for gene- and promoter-specific analysis of known targets

        • Alan Ruttenberg

          Alan Ruttenberg - 2014-05-31

          On Friday, May 30, 2014, plloyd wrote:

          I agree that using it as a parent term 'Assay using chromatin
          immunoprecipitation' and having ChIP-seq etc as child terms as suggested by
          Alan fits well.

          A term definition based on general ChIP protocols (I can't find anything
          that sums it already, so this is my attempt based on CHS protocols,
          wikipedia, life tech, ChIP-seq term definition):

          An assay in which protein-DNA complexes are extracted from short regions
          of chromatin and are reversibly cross linked, immunoprecipitated with
          antibodies or tags,

          Maybe stop here (or include the purification)? Imagine there are a slew of
          other applications and I don't think there's anything specific to CHP in
          the below.

          This part from Wikipedia does reasonably well.

          "protein and associated chromatin in
          a living cells or tissues are temporarily bonded, the DNA-protein complexes
          (chromatin-protein) are then sheared into ~500 bp DNA fragments by
          sonication and DNA fragments associated with the protein(s) of interest are
          selectively immunoprecipitated from the cell debris using appropriate
          antibody along with cross-linked
          fragments, and the associated DNA fragments are purified"

          There's a bit that should be edited if you use the above - it's not the
          DNA-protein that is sheared , it's the DNA.

          purified, and amplified for gene- and promoter-specific analysis of known

          Status: open
          Group: general
          Created: Wed May 28, 2014 10:53 PM UTC by plloyd
          Last Updated: Fri May 30, 2014 03:29 PM UTC
          Owner: nobody


          We need an OBI term for Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP, not ChIP-chip
          or ChIP-seq etc). The existing immunoprecipitation OBI term is not suitable
          and the high throughput assays are outside the scope of the experiments
          being described and not all the experiments end up as Western blots. The
          protein interactions type terms are also unsuitable.

          I propose adding chromatin immunoprecipitation assay as a child of the
          existing immunoprecipitation term.

          The original reference for chromatin immunoprecipitation is
          Gilmour & Lis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1984 Jul;81(14):4275-9.
          and can be found linked from here:

          ps. The link for your documentation on submission guidelines is broken,
          let me know if you require further information.

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



          OBI Terms: #707

  • Philippe Rocca-Serra

    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Philippe Rocca-Serra
  • Philippe Rocca-Serra

    closed with comit revision 3937


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