
OASIS / News: Recent posts

It's an OASIS revival

After one year of complete inactivity, the OASIS project has been revived!

Your friends at Ad Hosting Solutions ( have taken control of the OASIS project with a dedicated development team and plans for many more new releases in the future. We plan to have a new OASIS release once per quarter.

The new release is OASIS version 2.3b, which contains a host of improvements, bug fixes and new features. Most notable is the addition of rich media templates and vastly improved Flash trafficking.... read more

Posted by Aaron DelloIacono Thies 2007-08-15

OASIS Enterprise is open-source

In a major development, we are releasing all the previously commercial-only code for OASIS, allowing anyone to take advantage of the clustering capabilities of OASIS Enterprise.


Posted by Jason Priebe 2006-07-03

OASIS Professional goes open source!

We have decided to make all the Professional features available in the open source version of OASIS.

These features are now available in the open source product:

- Publisher support: build ad networks or run an ASP, with full invoicing support
- Impression capping: set limits on the number of impressions to be delivered to a user within a specific timeframe
- Companion sections: prevent the same creative from appearing twice on a page... read more

Posted by Jason Priebe 2004-07-22

OASIS Enterprise Arrives

At long last, OASIS Enterprise Server is here. It brings all the features of the open-source version, all the features of OASIS Professional Server, and it adds the ability to scale to multiple servers, providing increased capacity and reliability.

New to both OASIS Professional and OASIS Enterprise is support for NetAcuity's Digital Envoy geotargeting server.

NetAcuity is the industry-leading technology because of its accuracy and reliability, and is already in use by some of the largest solutions providers and websites on the Internet such as AOL Time Warner, AT&T, Microsoft, Google, and CNN to name a few. Contact Digital Envoy ( for special pricing for OASIS users.

Posted by Jason Priebe 2003-06-20

OASIS Adds Geotargeting and Delivery Controls in 1.3.0

OASIS, the fastest open-source ad server in the world, released version 1.3.0 today. OASIS Professional Services is proud to announce support for Digital Envoy's NetAcuity, the most accurate and reliable geotargeting solution available.

NetAcuity is the industry-leading technology because of its accuracy and reliability, and is already in use by some of the largest solutions providers and websites on the Internet such as AOL Time Warner, AT&T, Microsoft, Google, and CNN to name a few.... read more

Posted by Jason Priebe 2003-06-11

1.2.0 Released!

If you haven't tried the 1.2.0 release candidates, here are the features that make 1.2.0 better than the 1.1.x releases:

Configuration of OASIS does not alter the scripts themselves anymore; it passes config values to the code via Apache environment variables. This
makes it easier to reconfigure OASIS, and it allows for using precompiled PHP.

Updated default oasis.cfg to better match current RH Linux systems... read more

Posted by Jason Priebe 2002-10-31

OASIS Professional Server Nearing Completion

We're making great progress on OASIS Professional Server, and hope to have a release ready in September. This version of OASIS will be closed-source, and it will implement a number of features that have been requested over the past 18 months:

- Multi-publisher support: now you can host an ad network, with full invoicing support; you can share revenues with subpublishers, or you can charge publishers a hosting fee.
- Delivery controls: deliver campaigns selectively by IP address, domain, language, or browser
- Keyword targeting
- Impression capping: limit the number of impressions for a given campaign or creative during a specific interval
- Companion Sections: prevent ads from the same campaign from showing up more than once on a page... read more

Posted by Jason Priebe 2002-08-20

1.2.0 RC1 Posted

This release contains a few small enhancements, a number of bugfixes, and most importantly, new delivery code. This code is more complex than previous versions of OASIS; it eliminates the pause at the top of the hour while the maintenance script is running. Being so new, it may have some problems. Please use with caution, and report all bugs!

Posted by Jason Priebe 2002-08-20

Russian now supported

Thanks to Ruslan Sulakov, OASIS now boasts three Russian translations (one for UTF-8, koi8-r, and windows-1251). Pick your favorite charset, toss back a Stoli for me, and enjoy!

Posted by Jason Priebe 2002-06-04

Announcing OASIS Professional Services

OASIS Professional Services is available to support publishers who rely on OASIS as a vital part of their revenue streams. Available services include installation, and configuration, technical support (by contract or per-incident), and custom development. Look for the OASIS Professional Server, an enhanced version of OASIS, later this year.

Visit us at

Posted by Jason Priebe 2002-06-03

First non-English language supported

Thanks to Jean-Philippe Civade, the OASIS interface now supports French! There are a few small holes (like the administrative scripts have not been fully internationalized), but the Web interface is complete. In addition to translation of text messages, OASIS supports regional number, date, and currency formats.

Posted by Jason Priebe 2001-08-16