
Open Automaton Project / News: Recent posts

Major project milestone reached

Development of the last of the seven custom hardware and firmware modules has just been completed, so final assembly of the prototype droid can now take place! The prototype robot will be on static display at the upcoming Seattle Robothon ( Work has already started on the next layer of software, a driver that communicates with the robot's hardware modules, acting as an abstraction layer between the hardware and client code. The driver is being developed to fit into the Player robot server framework (

Posted by Dafydd Walters 2003-10-08

Welcome to the Open Automaton Project

The Open Automaton Project aims to develop Open Source blueprints for an intelligent PC-based mobile robot for home or office environments. If you'd like to stay informed about this project, and wish to be notified when major milestones are reached, please feel free to join the discussion mailing list.

For the time being, all development work is being carried out by the project administrator, but after the first stable release has been reached (scheduled for November 2003), and the framework for creating robot behaviours and task programs exists, it will be opened up for contributions from other developers and users.... read more

Posted by Dafydd Walters 2003-08-30