
Online Airline Booking System / News: Recent posts

OABS1 support

OABS1 support has been discontinued in favor of OABS2


Posted by Mark Goodall 2004-12-01

OABS2 Available!

OABS2 is now available at

Posted by Mark Goodall 2004-09-03


I've closed all of the feature requests that are currently in the backlog, and hopefully the next version will be finished on time.

Also in development is a simple windows based web browser, specifically for touch screen booking terminals set to view the booking only, but this won't be finished until a later date.

Posted by Mark Goodall 2004-07-20


I've posted some screenshots on the site of the next version of OABS

Posted by Mark Goodall 2004-04-17

Mozilla Fix for 1.7

The 'ugly' fix for the admin section when viewed by mozilla browsers is installed by downloading flights.php and uploading it to your admin directory.

Posted by Mark Goodall 2004-04-03

Update on next version

I've finished updating it to be compatible with newer versions of PHP and now i'm adding some new features to it for a release hopefully this week or next.

Posted by Mark Goodall 2004-02-28

Really sorry about lack of updates(or what i plan to do now)

Firstly, i'm really sorry to anyone, who has been using this but unable to get any help from me about it. I had no idea that this would be used at all by anyone. It was only when i got an email about it that i realised.

Now I know this, i am planning to update it and improve on it, possibly beggining with a complete rewrite in order to fix some bad looking, but workable code so that other people can understand it better. It's probably very likely that i will also be adding services to the overall project so that if you want, i can set up or customise it for individual requirements at a cost.... read more

Posted by Mark Goodall 2004-02-27


please click the link and answer the question: -

Posted by Mark Goodall 2003-05-03

OABS v1.5 Available

The next update is here, changes include a fix of the customer table to store which class they selected.

Posted by Mark Goodall 2003-04-26

Download Available!

The first version is now available!

Posted by Mark Goodall 2003-01-15

Demo Update

The username for the admin section of the demo is 'admin' and 'test' is the password. It utilises cookies but no encryption as of yet.

Posted by Mark Goodall 2003-01-13

Download Available soon!

The installation scripts are taking a little longer than expected because I am setting up a password system for the admin section.

It should be up and running soon when i finalise the password entry/checking scripts.

Posted by Mark Goodall 2002-12-21

Demo Available Now!

The demo is up now and i'm going to update it in bits now.

Posted by Mark Goodall 2002-11-15

Demo Available soon!

A demo of the front page and admin section will be up soon!

Posted by Mark Goodall 2002-11-14


I'm workin on the front page and database at the moment. expect a demo to be up soon

Posted by Mark Goodall 2002-11-08

The site is now up!

I have the site up now. It's also an example of how the first OABS will look like

Posted by Mark Goodall 2002-11-02

First Post

Hi and welcome to OABS. It's currently in the planning and generating ideas/testing them at the moment and i'll start uploading the site soon where i will put all the info

Posted by Mark Goodall 2002-11-02