
Issues to identify and resolve

Web Hiker
  • Web Hiker

    Web Hiker - 2005-06-30

    Here are my thoughts on several topics for kicking off the project. I plan to use the Maven tool

    for generating/maintaining the entire web site structure, since it generates everything pretty

    easily and is easy to grow news docs into this structure using xdoc xml files. If anyone feels

    energetic they are welcome to substitute it with something else, and the xdocs should be


    Once we agree on this list, we can formulate it into the task manager for the SF project pages,

    and assign responsabilities.
    Please add your comments and suggestions.

    Workspace structure :
                project.xml (maven build file)
                -src (com.nxqd.client....)
                -xdoc (additional docs for the site generation)
            - (tom, whatever layout you normally use here)

    MS 1)
    -functioning web site
    -Apache server module for Sleepycat SOAP access
        -available as stand-alone binary add-on, or configured Apache server?
        - Linux-x86 / Solaris-Sparc / Windows-x86?
    -Java client for basic functionalities (add, get delete docs, xpath/xquery)
        - available as zip download (jars+docs) or using Maven dependancies
        - support Java 1.4 or 1.5?
    -simple regression test harness in place using JUnit
    ?should we plan to use https for security, or is this a deployment issue? How will this affect

    the client configuration? Possible security issue here.
    -aim for September 2005?

    MS 2)
    -Java client extended to include advanced Sleepycat functionality, persistent connections etc
    -Java client to implement Xml:DB
    -C++/C clients?
    -aim for November 2005?

    MS 3)?

    • Tom McCubbin

      Tom McCubbin - 2005-07-01

      That all seems fine.  My first cut will be a stand alone daemon, and then i will pair the guts into an external library which can be used by both the lightweight stand alone server, and also be embedded into apache as mod_nxdl.  I'll be using gnu autotools for pkging for now, and doxygen for api docs, etc...

      so under the cvs/server i''ll have two dir entries:


      i'v been really busy, but i'm close to having the server ready for fedora core3.  I'll also throw together an rpm for those interested...a windows version will follow, and i'll put up a regular setup.exe using inno.

    • Web Hiker

      Web Hiker - 2005-07-01

      Bugger, my formatting tabs were kindly removed by Sourceforge.

      Tom, look at the workspace doc on the nxqd home page, it illustrates better what I was trying to say.

      Can you create a new module "server" and put all you need in there, with build files etc, perhaps a little readme or something so people can package on their own systems if they need.

      I will create the "client" module, and get it primed as well. If you have any client code, can you send me a zip and I'll organise it as needed.

      • Tom McCubbin

        Tom McCubbin - 2005-07-01

        i'll take care of the server/ module.  i'm throwing together a simple little client program w/ gtkmm to do basic tests, XQuery the server, manage docs, containers, etc...nothing fancy.  Mainly to do some interactive tests of the server...

        I'll pkg that up w/ autotools as well, and you can include it in clients as well (well, i'll have a c++ client lib, and the little gui separate)



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