
Numerology / News: Recent posts

Sorry another delay

I'm really sorry, but I picked another project over the spring, and with full time job and schoool, I don't have any free time left for this project. I and the other developer were kicking off some very good ideas and I'm very eager to get back to this project and complete it.
I'll come back with another update at the end of May.
Once again, I'm really sorry this is taking so long, but I'm totaly determined to get it done.

Posted by ventsislav velev 2006-04-05

New developer is getting up to speed

Me and Daniel talked over IM about Numerology. I explained to him how the game works and what my goals were at the beginning of this project.
We also discussed design ideas and new features that might want to implement.
We both agree to use XML to load the levels of the game. We will be using the Xerces-C++ parser.
We are currently reviewing the different options that we have regarding GUI API and multimedia libraries.
We also talked about creating a 3D version of the game, but is still an idea and will not be our focus as of now.
Stay tuned, there are will be more exciting news comming in the next few weeks.

Posted by ventsislav velev 2005-11-26

New Developer

Numo is back. I'm been seriously considering completing this project and now a new person has joined the project.
kobranturre and I will be working on Numo in the following few weeks and hopefully we'll have complete game by the end of the year.
Welcome kobranturre.

Posted by ventsislav velev 2005-11-01

Project on back burner

I'm afraid that I have moved this project to the back burner. I'm busy with personal stuff, but I do expect to be able to work on this game in the next few months and hopefully finish it.

Posted by ventsislav velev 2005-01-30

Developer Needed

I'm looking for someone who knows how to use any graphic library.The game is 2D so it would not be anything difficult, I just do not have the time to learn and code right now. If you are interested let me know. I will take care of the C++ part, so you should not worry too much about that.

Posted by ventsislav velev 2004-11-15


I start working on the game again. I am debuging the "core". Here is the place to say a special thanks to the guys at - Thanks people !
If my spelling seems kind of weird let me say it is 2.35 am and I am really tired. I just wanned to post something on the news section so you the reader of this will know that the project is still going forward (even if very slowly ) :)
thats all for now.
Expect uploads in the next few days.

Posted by ventsislav velev 2004-01-08

No activity

It is the end of the semester and I am really busy. I will continue the work on Numo in a week. Till then sit tight :)

Posted by ventsislav velev 2003-12-14

The clean up has been done

The support team did the clean up amazingly fast. Thank you very much.
Now all core code will be in the "main" folder and later on there will be another folder for the graphics. Thats all for now.
Have fun

Posted by ventsislav velev 2003-12-09

CVS clean up

I was not absolutely clear on how to use the repositry so I commited the same files multiple times. Now after I read the documentation I decided to reorganize it. I deleted all the files and I am about to upload the new ones tonight or tommorow.

Posted by ventsislav velev 2003-12-03

First upload

I uploaded the first few files about a week ago. This is early version of the "core" code of the program and is very buggy. I am about to upload the updated version of those files sometime this week.

Posted by ventsislav velev 2003-12-03

Game Plan

I am currently working on the core code of the game. This is includes the matrix holding the numbers and the ways moves can be done. Once I have that done and tested I will start working on the graphic part.

Posted by ventsislav velev 2003-12-01