
Nuhra / News: Recent posts

Version 1.0 in progress


after a couple of month work on Nuhra we are going to release version 1.0 soon.
The API is stable now and well tested now, but we still have write new and update old documentation.
So hopefully Nuhra 1.0 RC1 will realease within October.


Posted by Rainer Pröbster 2005-10-22

big refactorings


due to the demands for making Nuhra a real framework, there have been several changes and very (extreme) big refactorings within the sources of Nuhra.

The documentation is not yet up-to-date to this changes, so if you want to or have to adapt your apps to the actual Nuhra sources, it's the best way to look into the demos (NuhraSetDemo) for how to adapt the changes best.
Your IDE also will help you. ;-)... read more

Posted by Rainer Pröbster 2005-06-04

Version 0.5 released

Hi out there!

Nuhra has been released in it's version 0.5.
That means the API is quite stable now and ready for usage.
We skipped version 0.4 two weeks ago cause lack of time ;-)
Major changes are:
refactroed Ressouce-System
Layouting of components
Documentation Application
added ant calls for demo apps
solved IE bugs
enabled 2. context for static content
and many many many things more ...

Posted by Rainer Pröbster 2005-05-21

Version 0.2 released


check out this new release.
- Many design improvements of the code.
- Nuhra is now multi language
- Dialogs
- background sending and background responsing without reloading the page.
- new demos and tests :-)
- ... and many more ...

The next release will be 0.5 which will include most of what version 1.0 will include.


Posted by Rainer Pröbster 2005-03-26

Nuhra multi language enabled

Thanks to Mr. Chira Nuhra is now fully enabled for multi language.
Documentation is going on at
and the Tutorial is growing :-)

Posted by Rainer Pröbster 2005-03-19

Release 0.1


today we proudly wnat to inform you that version 0.1 has been released. :-)
The API is quite stable now.
Many new widgets and features have been added.
We're not far any more from release 0.5 which will have all features for version 0.1 included.

Posted by Rainer Pröbster 2005-03-12

initial project committed to CVS


a basic set of files is available in CVS.
* it is functioning and fast :-)
* Eventhandling: Actions and PropertyChanges
* a basic set of widgets
* Style-Handling

The project also includes the JS-API:
* truly object-orientated
* automatical script-loading
* namespaces
* several GUi-related objects available
* Demo and Tests

Posted by Rainer Pröbster 2005-02-17