
Nuclear Multimedia Engine / News: Recent posts

Update 08/13/04

Heh, wow. I can't believe I missed the meeting. That's a major nono. I would like to hold another one (this time I promise I will be there) this weekend. Sorry about that, my job is very tiring and I slept for the majority of the day after I got back.

Lee's coming back soon so I hope he'll have more time to manage the project and get everyone in order.

Posted by Jon Kuzmick 2004-08-13

Update 08/11/04

OpenGL 2.0 has been approved by the ARB (finally). for details.

Posted by Jon Kuzmick 2004-08-12

Update 08/10/04

Added 2 developers, 1 pending.

Added two subprojects.

The Vision Document will be our first discussion at this weeks meeting. It will describe the capabilities of the engine in its final state. All developers must "sign" this document because once it's final, it's final. That is until the next milestone is reached (whenever and if ever that comes).

We will also briefly discuss what basic C++ code we need to develop (templates,macros,globals) before we start developing the engine. ... read more

Posted by Jon Kuzmick 2004-08-10

Meeting Thurs 6pm EST

On bitwise. My sn is jonknet.

Posted by Jon Kuzmick 2004-08-10

Update 08/09/04

Work continues to progress slowly, but surely.

Here are a few things discussed today
1) Should the graphics api only be OGL?
2) Should the file formats be hard coded?
3) Various ideas about what belongs on what layer.
4) What do we want the engine to be capable of?

Most developers I assume are on summer vacation and enjoying it. So it'll be awhile before anything takes off.

We really need Lee back :P

Posted by Jon Kuzmick 2004-08-10

Update 08/08/04

We're almost ready to begin development.

Joel (mhz266) pointed out an excellent UML application.
Free of course, for personal use.

We need to get a good grasp on what everyones skills are and what they're interested in. This is for organizational purposes, and is voluntary.

Please email me with information like, what books have you read, what languages do you know, what projects have you worked on in the past if any, what do you wish to learn, features/ideas for the engine, favorite food, etc.... read more

Posted by Jon Kuzmick 2004-08-08

Update 08/07/04

4 new developers added.

Joel Goldfinger, Jeanne Sneed, Matthew Ferreira, and Balee, bringing us to a total of 11 developers! Welcome aboard!

Made timedout an admin.

Lee has submitted an expanded verison of the basic framework. I think it's excellent. Everyone should check it out (on the mailing list).

Also, if you havent already get bitwise! (

jonknet, timedout, nukem, balee, and GT5000 so far have. (that's their names on it too)

Posted by Jon Kuzmick 2004-08-08

Update 08/06/04

2 new developers have joined.

Say hi to Narendra T and GT5000 when you get the chance.

Also, all developers should download bitwise ASAP. (

I'm jonknet. Steve is timedout. Nukem is nukem.

A meeting is forthcoming.

Posted by Jon Kuzmick 2004-08-06